Tuesday, February 15, 2011

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The eternal war for good or bad, the important thing is to talk about it. Marco Travaglio

speak ill of Herbalife, Amway speak evil, speak evil of Multilevel Marketing in general, speak ill of MLM networking and acting only on the network, speak ill of the next , speak evil of Representatives, speak ill of the merchants who work in full rule by word of mouth, speak evil of those who make the special appearing in television or film, they speak evil of those who work as normal appearing among the public, speak ill of small roles actors, speak evil of the extras, they speak ill of gay, speak ill of homosexuals, lesbians speak ill speak ill of transsexuals, bisexuals speak ill of, speak ill of hermaphrodites, speak no evil Antonio di Pietro to speak ill of Bersani, speak ill of Pannella, Prodi speak ill of speak ill of computer games, speak ill of the film in streaming speak ill of cartoons, talk bad about this that and the other one, speak evil of good music, speak evil of Art, speak ill of the Comic Strip, even speak ill of women , speak evil of all.

As you can see better or for worse, the important thing is to talk . So it's all advertising. What is not so different as it seems, in fact tell you more ... the more you talk the more you advertise a particular subject, that's how you sell more products, so that you can send to those who want power, that's how you advertise more television and television programs, that's how it advertises the work of the extras, set of special, small actors roles, appearing normal, that's how you advertise more art in Italy , that's how you advertise more comics, that's how you advertise more jobs Multilevel Marketing in our country , that is how you advertise more free movies to watch on " streaming" on the net, that's how you advertise More Herbalife , that's how you advertise more Amway, that's how you advertise more all that is present in the network outside the network, and here I dwell on what he said Oscar Wilde :
To buy popularity must be a mediocrity .

mediocre These people who do not know a fucking of anything about how life works, and also allow you to pick on those who feel led to work in Multilevel Marketing , or other things in life, I tell them:


That habit that many people have a bad viziaccio really flying the defamation networking between forums and chat rooms. Luckily I did not attend The Forum and Chat, but I happened to go in occasionally, but things do not appear to have changed much, the ignoramuses even those who continue to discriminate against homosexual , who knows that gays have made in these people who are so fond of slandering those who are different from them, mah ..!!!. However it must be said that the network is no longer what it used to, crime and dishonesty has increased quite a bit, let's say gradually, many " Blogger" run by young people or 20 year old , and on them. . always speak ill of others, even I have seen videos made with mobile phones to school teachers, while disagreeing with the students, probably put online by some idiot taking them over in secret, illegally . Playing at being idiots and morons without knowing the rules of this society, but what kind of Italians are these young people today??

Maybe we have to do with the troglodytes , people who do not know a fucking of anything about how to behave in Italy, but are not (it makes me wonder ) Italian citizens too??

Che vita faranno questi giovani al di fuori della rete ???

Sono sempre più convinto che bisogna mandare al Potere Antonio di Pietro dell'Italia dei Valori , c'è bisogno di aria fresca in Italia, di una bella ventata di aria fresca che rinfreschi tutto lo stivale Italiano. Più Giustizia ( che manca veramente tanto in Italia ) nuove leggi ( magari anche più severe di quelle attuali, che purtroppo quelle di adesso assomigliano ad una piuma di Piccione ) nuove regole per navigare in rete, più sorveglianza in Internet, ( sembra quasi una new dictatorship, but for a good time are favorable, it takes, we need a change that lasts ) police and more police, more prisons located between north, central and southern Italy ( need to straighten a some Italians, like many years ago, there was more civilization in all directions ) more freedom and less dictatorship, and especially zero telepromotions pests of violating the Privacy Act Italian citizens living in the house , and are constantly disturbed by the ringing telephone, more culture in our country forgotten by God , more campaigns to encourage the ' Arte e le scuole di Disegno e Pittura , scuole di Musica, Centri Culturali e via dicendo.. più letteratura per tutti, pubblicizzare le biblioteche comunali ( e basta con internet, avviciniamo la gente ai libri ) promuovere le librerie e la letteratura, tanta tantissima letteratura, documentari, cinema, cambiare programmi televisivi mediocri con quelli culturali, e non mandarli in onda in orari impossibili, come le 2 del mattino o giù di li, ma ad orari accessibili a tutti, e per finire ripristinare le regole della scuola, e riportarla com'era originariamente con le materie di prima.

Anzi, per la scuola aggiungerei una materia in più alle elementari, medie e superiori di qualsiasi tipo.
Ad esempio metterei lo studio del libretto della Patente ( almeno per quanto riguarda la teoria ) in quinta elementare, ( naturalmente spiegato in modo che i bambini possano capirlo, questo per fargli comprendere fin da subito le regole della strada, poi più sono piccoli e più imparano le regole del mondo, perchè hanno la mente fresca e giovane, propizia allo studio e all'apprendimento. Quelle piccole cose che potrebbero fare la differenza nella vita, soprattutto alla guida di un autovettura quando saranno grandi ) quindi libretto della Patente A e B e Quiz To see if they understood. A study does not determine the pass or fail the elementary school, but only a small studio for information to bring the children to ' road safety education. But not just let them read, but its study in memory.
Once the remains have studied and learned the unconscious as long as they live.
However things go when they go to school with their parents by car or bus, or train , or Metro, or feet, or scooter or motorcycle, in both cases as city \u200b\u200bthey live in are surrounded by traffic signals, avoia in practice, anywhere, anywhere in the world are in one way or another are surrounded by signs, what better way than to study the books look around the city they live?

Okay go, I end up here this beautiful Pappardelle words about words about words and only words but no action, hoping that someone can read and follow my Blog: Another World 2022. Perhaps he's come something good ( these people to RIGHT ) in the brains of these people.

are the "Center Left " and I'm proud

Ps. elections for a new vote for prime minister are still far away, meanwhile dedicate ourselves to inform via video Antonio di Pietro - Italy of Values \u200b\u200b - and some video taken from the channel Beppe Grillo , and others .. in the hope that people begin to open their eyes to the reality of today's Journal.

Regards to all



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