Friday, February 4, 2011

Sf Gay Cruising Spots

Take the habit of living life every day, not Laze, idleness is the mother of vices.
Every morning when you wake up out of bed, do not stay at idle until noon or one o'clock Moreover, even if you unemployed and / or retired , or part-time workers, or professionals, take the habit of going to bed early at night and get up early in the morning, think of yourself first and then everything else.
This is the right way to behave, this is the right way to think positive and see things differently from how you have ever seen. Then in the morning get up early, go to the bathroom to rinse your face with cold water or warm water (if winter ) wash in pieces or take a nice shower, then have a hearty breakfast, (if necessary integrated with supplements), then dress, put on your shoes (do not stay in slippers ) aprite le finestre della camera per far areare la stanza da letto con l'aria fresca e pulita, date una bella spolverata alla stanza, prendete l' aspirapolvere e passatela per tutta casa, ( oppure usate la scopa e date una bella spazzata per terra ) sistemate le cose che avete da sistemare, ( vivere in un ambiente pulito e ordinato è l'ideale per la vostra salute psicologica e fisica ) se c'è bisogno date anche una bella lavata per terra con il " mocio " o lo straccio per pavimenti, un buon prodotto chimico per la pulizia dei pavimenti, ( come ad esempio il lysoform, o altre marche ) non dimenticatevi nemmeno delle finestre e degli specchi at home (if you ) recommend the " vetril " which is an outstanding product to thoroughly clean the house, and finally placed the bed, washed the dishes, pots, plates, if any, arranged for the balcony, Dust the TV, radio, computer, etc. .. and take charge of the house you live in treating it with painstaking care.

When you have done all this and more do not know how to pass the time, go out and take a walk, for example, you can reach the underground to take a free newspaper, or up to buy the newspaper "The Republic ", the "Messenger ", or another newspaper, or you could always go to a bar for a coffee Hag, Hag or a cap (so as not to fill caffeine) in short, whatever you do in the morning, it is good the facades, especially since the habit of going out and not stay at home is important not to fall victims of depression , 's exhaustion, the stress at work , home, etc. .. or At worst, become lazy and idle .

Fight laziness with physical movement, activities, work and life, this is the secret to living well.

Go into a villa in a park grassy, \u200b\u200btree-lined , seek a bench or put yourself on the ground ' grass ( maybe put your jacket on the floor or a " PLAID ") a small towel or if you have it, even a mattress for the sport, and then once seated you can read a newspaper or a book you can (if desired ) also put in meditation for an hour, to relax the nerves (if you know meditation course ) short in any way you want to spend the morning, pass it or to clean or to go out and commit the time. And remember: unless you undertake and the more laziness and idleness.
The father of all vices.

live as intensely as if it were always the last day to live life, live the present, not living in the past, not thinking about the future, live now, live now, life is a , and at any moment we could die, better to live, and work hard day, that rather laze around doing nothing.
Oziare non è vita, non è vivere, la vita è la vera libertà d'espressione del corpo umano e di noi stessi.

Quindi impegnati le giornate nel fare qualcosa di costruttivo, non solo uscire e distrarti, ma anche fare.. fare qualcosa. Come per esempio un corso di ballo: salsa e merengue , ( tanto per dirne una ) tango argentino , mambo , mazurca , cha cha cha , balli di gruppo , liscio , valzer , bachata , altro... pur che non siano balli assordanti e rumorosi da disco, as Techno Music, House, Underground, etc. etc. ..
The real music is not the disco, but one that is well and that really is fun way to socialize with other people attend local schools and dance, dances of couples are much more fun than where you dance alone in the dark and into the crowd, with strobe lights and psychedelic, to be honest, this is not music but a real crap noise and to hearing the same refrains.

Another thing you can do to engage the day, is of interest to all 'Arts , for example, a school Drawing and Painting, oil on canvas, pencil, watercolor, charcoal, tempera, acrylic, pastels, etc etc. .. School of Drawing and Painting is a good thing to combat idleness (the father of vice ) laziness and waste of time. Strive, keep busy the day, and if you want to relax, learn to do 60 minutes a day ( hour of your life ) the nap (the Relax ) there may also be in life, but the 'Just do not overuse them ( as for those who prefer to laze around all day time until you go to sleep ) also because it does not mean living life, but more than anything else is tantamount to the death of the individual in both psychological and physical mass.

Another thing that can be of interest is a good music school, musical theory, rhythmic and musical instrument. The musical notation is important, because without you can not play a musical instrument perfectly.
The solfeggio is the study of musical notes, the study of staff, as the notes are set as to be written, as they read and so on. After studying music theory is recommended Rhythmic , namely the study of how to take the time , jokes, music etc etc. .., and finally, I suggest you attend a school for the musical instrument you prefer. For example, if a course in classical guitar or piano teachers ( I appeal mainly to people who have never been interested in studying music ) can teach you how to set their hands on musical instruments of your choice.
Certainly many people who love music would always play by ear, that is going behind the notes music ( if you have a predisposition to music ) radio or a vinyl record, CD or other ..
But it's better to learn the study of music theory to deepen BASE of MUSIC .
He is also a more complete study.

Only devote himself to music only, it is not convenient, considering that playing a musical instrument is an activity to " soloists. The soloist is he (or she ) playing alone, especially if you do not have a group to play, then it is recommended (in addition to playing music ) also engage in other social activities, such as a beautiful course Crete, Mosaic, Sculpture , Furniture Restoration Former short, something that commitments in the day ' Art, in doing something constructive and that there may also allow for socializing with other people's work group.

Another thing you can do is a nice course Electronics , Journalism , Kitchen , Gardening , Te at ro , the study of theatrical acting courses Director Film and TV , History and Literature Courses Courses, Japanese, Chinese, English , French, German, English, Portuguese, etc. .. Art History courses, or courses History of Religions, Psychology Courses, Computer of , etc etc ...
Do many " COURSES " learn new things, things that are, Courses in philosophy, quantum physics, anything that engages the day and year.
not to laze around and do not die in the Sloth.

Realise Assets, Live your life, try to find the strength to get up in the morning and live the day through. And if you do not know nobody and live in solitude, you can always get to know and friendship attending one of these cultural activities that I proposed, life is beautiful if you live to the fullest.
I am interested in just the "Metaphysics " and that the study of Philosophy, Cognitive Behavioral Psychology in the cast, fused to Meditation "Quantum " Spiritual, and also they are also fond of Quantum Physics. all summed up as: a complete study of psycho-physics quantum-philosophical, spiritual, metaphysical.

What is Quantum Physics?

Quantum physics gets its name from the word "many" used by Max Planck to describe his discovery that energy is not a continuous stream. Planck discovered that energy works in discontinuous blocks or packets, which he called, precisely, how many.

What is Metaphysics?

The Met is all that is above, below or outside the physical reality that is measured only by the five senses.

E 'has been discovered that human beings are made not only Molecules and Atoms , but also Energy .
If our right hand is placed under the microscope, we could see a thin layer of Energy. For believers in God this energy is classified as Holy Spirit, for physicists, philosophers, psychologists, doctors and metaphysical question your Soul. We are spiritual beings of pure energy. We have such a large amount of energy that we could even illuminate an entire city for a week. And all because the universe is energy. Pure Cosmic Energy. Infinite.

If you thought you were only made of flesh, blood and bones ..... Well! think again, we are spiritual beings in a human body of flesh and blood, and when we die we will continue to exist, just because we're soul.
This gives a new vision of life, gives a great strength and energy in dealing with everyday life, everything that is said in the sacred texts of religion is all true, we are immortal, eternal, only in the physical there age but in the spirit are eternal. Of pure energy. Divine Beings, the sons of God travelers on this earth to enrich the experience, and to bring with us the other side, in the world to come.

To explore this new theme of human existence recommend to visit these websites listed below:

  2. / benessere_cosasiamo. php
  4. = 2
As to pursue this issue through literature, I recommend reading these books of Psychological Science.
These books will open up your mind about who you are and the life around you, all for a new understanding of life, the joy of life and desire for positive change, with the intellectual knowledge, activities, training, socialization, and everything that comes from a quantum metaphysical study of human evolution.


Take the habit of changing your life and live differently.


This discovery is so significant that the Quantum Physics what exactly?
Now that we have discovered that we are energy beings , how it changes our lives on Earth in human form?
What brings us mere mortals?
How could we ever use this discovery about ourselves?
Where to start?
how to apply it to our lives?

For you who are reading my blog It depends on if you want to change your vita o no. 
Dipende da te, se vuoi vedere il mondo che ti circonda in modo diverso da come l'hai sempre visto attualmente, e dipende sempre e solo da te, se vuoi cambiare oppure no, se credi a questa scoperta o ne sei scettico e ignori il fatto che sei un essere spirituale in un corpo umano.

Se vuoi approfondire il segreto della vita su come vivere bene secondo natura, sfruttando proprio il segreto della vita umana in pieno delle tue facoltà psicologiche, ti consiglio di acquistare il Film Documentario " THE SECRET " prodotto nel 2006 in America, e che tutt'ora lo puoi trovare nelle librerie Feltrinelli e/o Mondadori, or else .. Or you can buy it online and let you go directly to your home, paying for the product on delivery. Click on: "THE SECRET . Open your eyes to the secret of life.

See you all at the next Post.



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