Thursday, February 24, 2011

Compering Speech For Welcome Address

Élisabeth Vigée-Le Brun

The French painter Elizabeth Vigée Le Brun, one of the most prolific portrait painters in art history, was 27 years old and was already a painter affermata, in un secolo come il diciottesimo che vide l'affermazione di molte artiste donne, quando si ritrasse nell' Autoritratto col fiocco rosso (uno degli innumerevoli ritratti che fece a se stessa nelle varie epoche della sua vita).

Con cappello piumato, capelli personalmente acconciati in modo leggero, abito in mussola bianca e fiocco rosso, è bella e splendente come una ragazzina, ma non priva di sensualità e sicurezza del proprio fascino.

Scarse sono le fonti d'informazione sul suo conto, ma non c'è museo al mondo che non possieda qualcuno dei suoi innumerevoli quadri (sono più di 900 dipinti, tra i quali landscapes, historical paintings and 700 portraits, 30 dedicated to his patron and friend, Queen Marie Antoinette), pictorial evidence of the habits of events and the most representative of Europe and Russia in the period between the eighteenth and the nineteenth century.

His father, Louis Vigée, was the batter. His mother was said to be beautiful and wise. Baptized in the church of Saint-Eustache in Paris, was then put out to nurse in the countryside, Épernon. It was reported in Paris at age six, and tied in to the convent of the Trinity. Here it was noticed that the little Louise-Elisabeth drew everywhere on the walls of the school no less than in her notebooks.
The girl was about eight years old when his father, entranced in front of your own design, the prophesied a future as a painter. At eleven he was removed from the convent and returned to live with his family. It is said that at the time you looked ugly and ungainly, but the fact is that the past fourteen years he became one of the most beautiful women in Paris.
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