Wednesday, February 9, 2011

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The Secret - and - The Meta Secret Habits

We live in a world that you can change at will with only the power of thought, feelings we have, the life Psychologically we can create for ourselves mentally, philosophy, metaphysics, Quantum and spiritually. We are the architects of our destiny, we create our life, to create the future that is bright or melancholy or sad or seriously tragic and dramatic, we are co-creators of this, the creators of the life we \u200b\u200blive and we surroundings.


Yes, but how beautiful! It depends of course. It's up to me, you, you, us, from them.
E 'nice if you're happy, happy to live this life, happy to love and be loved, then, the world is really nice to live, just because varied. But when you are sad, depressed, sad, exhausted, psychologically, the world is more beautiful even though varied, but the world will see all gray, you will feel like in a forest dark, terrible, horrible, such as depression , this recognized as bad the disease of the century, a disease that makes you see the world differently and depressed. "Unusual . Now the world is no longer beautiful, but it is ugly, just because varied. In a very different philosophical context, here takes the "concept " Danger.
Dangerous. Very damn insidious and malicious. The reality that we create when we're down in the dumps is a highly risky situation, which leads us to become enemies of ourselves and the world around us. At this point (as he told the psychologist Natalie Reid in his book entitled The Physics of Success ) we create our reality. We We are authors of our reality.


If life has meaning, that is the point of living life?

If we think of all things visible and invisible, have no meaning in life itself, then we will stop believing in God , as well as to ourselves. And risk losing out useless aphorisms extrapolated interdimensional space-time in limbo with no return.
Using the Power of Mind properly without the risk of totally crazy.
All this is possible, you have to look into yourself, deeper, into the base of your body, where he lives the life of the human body, the engine of what he classified as follows SOUL. LIVING SPIRIT OR . PURE ENERGY , here's what's inside of our body, not just blood, bones, meat, more .. but PURE and simple ENERGY COSMIC . Now serving MEDITATION SPIRITUAL to focus all our essence of being omnipotent, eternal and immortal. We are co-creators of our own universe, we have the divine power to change cose intorno a noi, anche se il più delle volte non ce ne accorgiamo, eppure è così.

I miei studi personali come autodidatta mi stanno portando a capire il concetto base della VITA . 
Tutto ha un senso. Niente è un controsenso. La Filosofia , la Psicologia Clinica Cognitiva e Comportamentale, lo studio della Fisica Quantistica , della Psicofisica , della Metafisica , dell' Astrofisica , della Fisica in generale , della Meditazione e della Spiritualità , del contatto con DIO e l' Guardian Angel of direct and indirect communication with the Almighty God's spirit through meditative prayer.
And yet, in-depth study of 'Astrology ( of which I do not think, however, but for my personal knowledge I started to study ) but now I am most looking forward to even ' Astronomy and Quantum Mechanics, as well as the universe outside of our world. Search space and God within us.
God is everything, the universe around us is PURE ENERGY us and consequently we ENERGY beings not of this world. Got this all takes shape, the POWER is in my hands, into your hands in your hands, just push the right button and change the life, both inside of me, you, and out among the people.

Esoteric, Alchemy, Science, How many protons, electrons, neurons, Space-Time, Chemistry, History, Geography, Literature, studies, experiments, Reflections, Documentaries Esoteric Sciences, words, words and more words, to live , live and still live the life of every day among the people, acquire knowledge, wisdom, reputation and popularity, reflect, observe, study, document, make love, with socializing all remain in their opinion without being carried away by the negativity of people around us. All while maintaining a high degree of awareness and cognitive behavioral interdimensionality.
Then everything will make sense.


If life had no meaning, that is the point of living life?

all boils down to little or nothing. But in reality everything has meaning, the meaning of life is just living life everyday, and life is the greatest gift that God us ha dato. La propria esistenza è la gioia dell'essere SUPREMO che è in noi, e quando ci Amiamo, ci Stimiamo, Sorridiamo, allora questo sarà il momento in cui tutto avrà un senso, il segreto della vita è proprio questo. Amare ed essere Amati. E il senso prende forma.


Molti forse non sanno che esiste un libro dal titolo attraente, " LA LEGGE DI ATTRAZIONE " è la formula segreta per crearsi un mondo Psicologico diverso da tutti gli altri. Forse è la Formula segreta per capire chi sono I and who are you who read me, maybe it's the secret formula of the mystery of life that attracts many of us in the world around us. Who does not know THE LAW OF ATTRACTION not know the secret, who does not know the secret does not know the law of attraction. Recommend reading this book and putting it into practice, AND FAIL 'IMPOSSIBLE .

There are several books on the law of attraction, many authors were inspired by the book that I have read, published 100 years ago in America ( a century ago), the author of the book entitled " THE LAW OF ATTRACTION AND "is called" Wallace D. Wattles "died in 1911 , died shortly after the publication of this book. Of course the book you find in a bookstore is a reprint, I think .. nd Edition ( from what is shown on the front page ) publication in July 2008, while the First reissue in October 2008. II reissue in November 2008, Edition II in June 2009, the First reissue in September 2009 and then reprinted in November 2009 II.
Original Title: THE WISDOM OF WALLACE D. Wattles II . Clearly you search for the title in Italian, " the law of attraction." This necklace is part of "The Classics of Science of Mind. "If you want to know all the books in this series about human psychology, spirituality and meditation, I suggest you visit the Publishing house" A . "And that is: - If put into practice this book, you'll get all the success you want, just like I'm getting. But do not just read, you STUDY and put it in PRACTICE . And remember, with positive thinking and the great success always and only to have SUCCESS in life, you just have to learn to attract what you want with the help of:
Il successo è assicurato e GARANTITO da me, l'ho provato in prima persona e vi posso assicurare che FUNZIONA, leggetelo, provateci anche voi, studiatelo, fate diventare questo libro la vostra BIBBIA , il vostro VANGELO , fatevi un lavaggio del cervello con questo libro, provate ad Autosuggestionarvi con questa lettura, la legge di attrazione , e avrete successo in tutto, Denaro , Salute Psicologica , Benessere , Socializzazione , Lavoro , TUTTO . Otterrete il successo in qualsiasi field you want. But we must try, try until you can not experience the results. Have FAITH (Faith means CONFIDENCE ) and with the help of God ( that the principle is this ) get everything you want.


If you want to extend this reading, ( I do nothing but repeat Post to Post) Board the same author " THE Science of Getting Rich "and" THE SCIENCE OF FEELING GOOD ( how to heal the diseases with the potential of the human mind and with the help of God ) it is clear that if you are ill and are taking the medication is right that you take, but as well as making use Psychological try to explore the potential of your brain, is a way as any to TEST the potential of your Mind . certainly need practical experience, on the spot there succeed, you need perseverance, spiritual meditation, you open the door to God, our hearts to God ( remember that God esiste, ed anche i miracoli esistono, se volete conoscere la storia di un Uomo Miracolato da DIO , visitate questo sito: legge dell'attrazione ) e vedrete che riuscirete ad avere tutto il successo che desiderate nella vita di tutti i giorni, fino alla destinazione finale, fino a quando arriveremo innanzi al SIGNORE DIO DELL'UNIVERSO .


It's right, your every wish is my command. Do not you believe it? I know it's hard to believe, but if you believe in God anything is possible, he will help you in whatever you want. Love, Health , Money, Wealth , Socialization, Culture , Studies, Arts, Music , whatever you want and more. The power of God is in your hands, you can make the world what you want, we all live in abundance, we have everything we want, God is good is not bad, open your heart to God and receive only that ABUNDANCE.

Ask the Lord everything you need, tell him you want a new job, money to live, a gain higher than average, review a friend who will not see for a long time, make a nice Blog or internet site, have many visitors or maybe look for new friends or a possible new love for life, ask a lot and you shall receive. Jesus said Ask and you shall receive. Who asks receives.

And then he spoke again: If you have faith as a mustard seed you could say to the mountain: uplifted and thrown into the sea and it listen. All we ask for in prayer , you FAITH have received it and it will be granted .

Another thing Jesus said was this wonderful phrase: Anything is possible for those who believe. Your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him! Whatever you ask the Father in my name he will grant. (So \u200b\u200bwhen you turn to God always make the name of Christ , for example:
Lord I wish it within 30 days of I unexpectedly come € 10 000, or .. a new job, or .. a new Love, .. or whatever you want. And then add more in the name of Christ ask you to help me, thanks. Amen) But you have to ask with FAITH and LOVE , and not with Avarice, hate and nastiness, just to give you only the power and all the others do not, if you do so, and you behave in a wrong way, you will be punished by Lord , and all will backfire. Who indeed wants too ..!!!

Tanto tempo fa, i GRANDI del passato, conoscevano il SEGRETO ( e cioè ) " LA LEGGE DI ATTRAZIONE " volevano mantenere il loro POTERE e non condividerlo con altri. Perciò tenevano le persone all'oscuro del SEGRETO . Le persone andavano in fabbrica a lavorare, tornavano a casa normalmente, ma nessuno seppe mai il SEGRETO DELLA VITA , e cioè LA LEGGE DI ATTRAZIONE . 
Erano schiavi della società in cui vivevano, i Potenti avevano tutto, Denaro, Ricchezza, Potere , e per non share with the world, kept in hand the people making them work as BEASTS.
These BIG the past I hope and believe that they were all punished by God CREATOR of the Universe, and that does not reside in heaven, but quite another part, hoping that there is also hell. And I want to believe it.

Then a century ago, "Wallace D. Wattles " revealed to the world " THE LAW OF ATTRACTION " The Science of Getting Rich and THE SCIENCE OF FEELING GOOD . After him came other writers who were inspired to His book enriches these readings are new, updated for each time he walked, and adapting them to modern life. Now with the Internet was there are many books that are emerging on LAW OF ATTRACTION , many different authors, each has its say, having first put into practice the knowledge about SECRET LIFE , having had their success, they want to make all mankind to share this discovery really great. To learn more about other books of ' ATTRACTION , click on this hyperlink underlined, to arrive in the Feltrinelli online:

There is a book on the market called "The Secret " and contains the wisdom of the masters of the modern world, men and women who have used it to obtain wealth, health and happiness. Putting into practice the knowledge of the Secret, they bring to light stories that admirable about the defeat of the disease, acquiring massive wealth, overcoming obstacles and the achievement of objectives by many considered unattainable.
Always remember to never underestimate the power of positive thinking and optimism are essential to win in life every day and not fall victim to the negativity.
To learn more click on the bold title "The Secret " to land in the Feltrinelli, highly recommend reading it, and putting it into practice. Do not be skeptical about these things, the prophets of our past were wise men who understood the secret and tried to explain it over the centuries and millennia, and now with "The Secret "know the whole truth about the secret of human life.
There is also a" DVD " FILM - DOCUMENTARY " to "THE SECRET " \u0026lt;\u0026lt;click x information.
You'll find it in the first page DVD, including the recommended SHOP ANYTIME .

Also finally, came out two other interesting books , THE META SECRET ( over the secret ) and THE KEY ( the key) that I have not read yet, but I'll put there just to read them. Soon will come another unpublished book on the secret, and that is: 'Eighth Law. I look forward to coming out, but first I need to read the other two I listed above.

Regards to all



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