Monday, February 21, 2011

Change Room Masterbation

Margaret Fuller, a pioneer of journalism

was your kiss, love, make me immortal.
(from Dryad Song)

Margaret Fuller was the first woman foreign correspondent , but is primarily a feminist legend for his passion for politics, his social commitment and his unconventional life.

Sarah Margaret Fuller was born, the first of nine children, 23 May 1810 in Cambridgeport, near in Boston, Massacchussets by Timothy Fuller and Margaret Crane. His father was a lawyer and later a prominent politician. The little Margaret, from childhood, was imposed a strict discipline for many hours a day was to study subjects particularly difficult, not suited to his age, such as Latin and Greek classics, which then had to recite the evening to his father. Not surprisingly, Fuller stories this time calling himself "a victim of spectral illusions, nightmares, headaches, sleepwalking" and lacking "a natural child."

teens Margaret attended a school for young ladies of Miss Prescott in Groton, Massachusetts, where his parents hoped that their daughter apprendesse ways to make more feminine and suitable for a young lady of good family. Margaret actually felt different from her classmates because of his level of education, which was certainly above average. Her companions soon saw it as arrogant and isolated from the group, ridiculous. At age 15, Margaret decided to retire from this school and in 1825 he returned to Cambridgeport. The following year he entered the local private school.
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