Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Largest Flash Memory Drive

I hear and I often see the ' Arcigay el' Arcilesbica fight for their rights against discrimination , (not to mention Transsexual eternally fighting for the same rights gay and lesbian ) found against them, discrimination implemented not only by those in power but also by people ignorant and plebeian that mimics the behavior sbagliati di chi è attualmente al potere. Ma il vero problema forse non è tanto quanto chi è in poltrona a fare battute contro gli Omosessuali , ma tanto quanto questa Italia che proprio non accetta l'omosessualità, sarà probabilmente che i gay come per le lesbiche ed i travestiti/trans/bisex etc.. sono talmente tanto diversi dagli eterosessuali da venire eternamente discriminati ???

O forse abbiamo a che fare con un popolo di persone che odia chi è diverso da loro !!!
Probabilmente è così, fortunatamente non tutto lo stivale Italiano è così bigotto e chiuso di mentalità, nella massa in cui tutti viviamo esistono persone che accettano l'omosessualità tra loro, non facendo caso ai gay e continuando a vivere ognuno la propria vita diversamente da chi è eterosessuale.

Secondo me, dando la mia opinione o parere in merito a questo argomento, non serve a niente fare il GAY PRIDE , è solo una perdita di tempo inutile che serve soltanto per aumentare la guerra e l'odio tra la gente, e soprattutto tra la massa. Io sono perfettamente consapevole che chi partecipa a queste marce per la PACE and gay rights do exclusively and primarily to combat discrimination and violence against them, but perhaps not the best way to take action to change things, maybe the issue is much bigger than you think.

I think should change the thinking of the mass, the thinking of everyone, and it serves a President ( then a governing ) do not necessarily GAY ( also an ether okay), but one that shares homosexuality in our country and recognizes the rights of diversity, leaving them to live in peace and away and protected from the prejudices of the masses. do you wrong to think this way??
I do not believe, I believe and very sure that you're like me. And let's face it, these GAY PRIDE too shabby, they dress in an exaggerated way these homosexuals, some are naked in the video that I put on notice of what is really obscene here have even included a makeup CHRIST , but GAY . These things just do not like, everything else, but NO CHRIST, you disgust in this respect. Then I am a very religious , I'm a believer, I pray to God , I feel offended by this terrible thing, do me the courtesy of not putting the figure of JESUS \u200b\u200b'CHRIST between HOMOSEXUAL , is an insult to the Christian religion.

Then they say that these events are to fight for their rights but such rights, then it seems wiser not include expressions of the Christian religion, what's the pass for a CHRIST GAY?

You can not laugh at a MAN who was ASSASSINATED IN CROSS 2011 anni fa, dissanguato sulla croce e morto per noi, non le tollero queste cose, NON RIESCO A TOLLERARLEEEE!!!!!!!

Inevitabilmente mi mettono l'odio contro gli omosessuali , me li fanno odiare, è inevitabile, io che rispetto tutto e tutti ma guardando queste immagini me li fanno odiare con tutte le mie forze. Quindi ripeto, a cosa cazzo servono gli eventi omosessuali ? A niente secondo me !

Servono solo ad aumentare l'odio tra la gente: L'ETERNA GUERRA non finirà mai, garantisco.

That love has no gender aware and I agree on the fact that we are all the same fligli GOD on this I agree, but laugh at Christ NO.
Never mind the Christian religion with homosexuality, if you want to pray God Gay even if you're free to do so, no one will prevent, but if you laugh at Christ died on the cross and pass it off as Gay , I just can not tolerate it. Now .. closed discourse. I think I explained it?

Continuing the discourse on the eternal struggle between good and evil, I think you may very well be gay, lesbian, trans , etc. .. without manifest to the world. Gays have always existed and always will be, even Oscar Wilde was gay, as many poets and artists who have lived in our past.
Yet it seems to me to me ( reading their stories ) that the life they have always lived well, in their own way of course, but they lived well. Then .. Gay that many have been murdered in our tragic past , unfortunately this is a reality that can not be forgotten, the history should be taught not to make the same mistakes of the past, there is certainly need a Governor I can do " laws " just for those who are homosexual and transsexual people, and above all give more space to Gay in Italy, and punish those who hurt them, but who knows if we get a day or the other ( sooner or later) to something like that.
I hope so. Always hoping that there is some homosexual jokes about martyrs, otherwise .. waters could again engulf the world of Christians and start fighting the Eternal Infinite Gay .

Regards to you all



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