Saturday, October 6, 2007

Van Heusen Stain Shield

Una fonte per la botte...

Se Jonathan Swift avesse letto di cui opera tedesca nella spoke so Prefazione a GA-Liebault Junker, German Theatre: or Compendium of best drama, both ancient and modern, which have appeared in German Language, Preceded by an Essay on the origin, progress and current status of theatrical poetry Germany, 2 Voll., Paris, 1772 (see also Sketch of the Origins and Progress of Dramatic Poetry in Germany, "The Edinburgh Magazine, IV, August 1786, pp. 92-94), by the said" anthology ", perhaps we could have a source for his famous fable of Botte ( Tale of a Tub, 1704), beautifully translated by Gianni Celati, who, many years ago (probably 1998 or 1999) in 'Hangar of New Palace , I said that to find a suitable and comparable to the Italian Swift could not refer to Italian style of the eighteenth century, that of Beccaria and Verri to be clear, but had to resort Moral to Operettas Count Leopardi. This is because the literary history of a language follow not the historical chronology, but the authors, who took him into her mouth. Gianni Celati then gave me some of his texts that maybe one day publish on these pages clandestine for now I just bring some of his words from a speech on Swift to understand something of his admirable style and as a reminder of how much passion, commitment and lightness we need to make a good essay, stating, inter alia, its Fictions West as an absolute model essay, including notes. It is the only book critical of which in 2001 took a full synopsis written on a thick dense quadernino delle elementari. Dopo aver ricordato la recente riedizione della geniale Modesta Proposta, testo il cui lunghissimo tiolo imparai a memoria in quarta liceo, affascinato e divertito, gli lascio la parola:

Oggi parlerò di Jonathan Swift, e il mio racconto comincia quando facevo l'università e mi è venuta la passione per Swift, ma una passione così forte che volevo tradurlo tutto. Avevo poco più di vent'anni, e mi sono messo a tradurre per conto mio quella che forse è la sua opera più stupefacente, intitolata Tale of a Tub , che fino ad allora non era mai stata tradotta in italiano. In realtà dopo sono andato avanti per oltre vent’anni a rifare quella traduzione, che finalmente arrived in port and was published under the title of the barrel Fable. Fresh out of college I had a scholarship that allowed me to spend two years in London, studying in the library of the British Museum, and there I wanted to study and translate were Gulliver's Travels, the work to which is linked to the worldwide fame of Swift. But this translation has stalled, and was able to see the light only two years ago, mainly because of long ruminations about the author who could not reach a conclusion. In short, such was my passion for Swift, as strong as it has always been my feeling of not being able to grasp it well. More precisely I will say that, even when read and reread for years, his speeches remain elusive and fleeting compared to the views and opinions that we do with ...


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