Monday, September 24, 2007

Tiffany Towers Vikipedia

Es war einmal… Noventa - Fortini

There are cruel games. Sometimes unnecessary, sometimes not. There are calls in class to count these, there are anthologies. Leafing through the now antiquated anthology Garzanti Gell-Lagorio next to the striking exception of Gozzano (for years noted on the first page that contains the list of names, including Saba and Govoni) I think I see now also the lack of Giacomo Noventa. Then I realized it was me who had drawn a line in pencil on his behalf. Now the gate. A justification for the time: I may not believe un poeta italiano. Ma quando leggo Fortini che lo traduce, capisco che il mio "canone" s'è perso un altro pezzo importante. Noventa all'appello che feci molti anni fa era assente, oggi lo riapprezzo grazie ad una serie di letture convergenti tra cui oggi segnalo il rencente saggio di Valentino Cecchetti che, dopo Adriano Olivetti, Giacomo Noventa e il socialismo magico (Bibliotheca), torna nuovamente ad occuparsi di Noventa con Una polemica sul frontespizio. Noventa e Giuseppe De Luca antimoderni, pubblicato quest'anno per l'editore Nuova Cultura. Per lo stessso editore ha pubblicato Tre studi sulla recezione di Péguy in Italia negli anni Trenta e una recente introduzione agli studi culturali . (Nuova Cultura) che piacerebbe leggere Wed. Cecchetti è anche autore Tues Cento Romanzi (Fazi) e Roberto Calasso (Cadmo). Ora il testo

Once upon a time ... di Giacomo Noventa

There once was a poet,
Its name honors not:
by humans and by poets
names do not show the value.

After the victory he was called to
King of the German countryside.
the war he was appointed
praise in some band.

"King," now said the poet,
protect "God your victory. Every German
be your poet,
I remembered my friend in the war.

He was born in the village.
matter where I was born.
And he died for you,
Let me weep for him! "

The king can not cry,
(do not know the Kaiser emergency)
" Today's crying in Germany, The
meet tomorrow to death! "

died So once a poet,
honors Whom no:
of kings and poets
Displays the value of this fairy tale.

Once Upon a Time un poeta (di F. Fortini trad)

C'era once a poet,
That did not honor his name;
but neither men nor the names of poets
tell the truth.

When he won the war
the king of the Germans called it
and in several volumes that his war
commanded him to sing.

"Sire, God save thee the victory,
(so said the poet)
every German singing your glory in war ... I
a friend died.

The country was born
saw me even born. Let me therefore
mourn, now that
die for you. "

The king does not want to cry
(that need, who reigns not know):
"Anyone in Germany today cries
die tomorrow. "

So when a poet is dead.
That did not honor his name, but says
of kings and poets
this tale the truth.


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