Sunday, September 2, 2007

Hypoallergenic Hair Dye

Even in the South: the young man Saviano and others.

Dalla Sicilia alla città di Basile, Della Porta e Matilde Serao. Sotto l’egida bonaria di Raffaele la Capria e di Enzo Golino (ma esiterà poi, l’egida?), come vanno le cose? Se penso all’abisso che separa l’intransigenza offensiva del “provinciale cuneese” Giorgio Bocca ( Napoli siamo Noi , Mondadori, 2006) mi rendo conto che “l’armonia” è davvero “perduta”, per parafrasare un libro di La Capria uscito nello stesso anno. Eppure, tra le grandi città, Napoli è oggi quella in cui il panorama letterario pare più fiorente. O quello che oggi ha maggior portata di “capitale simbolico”. Troppo facile say that the onset of Saviano (who like numbers far exceeds the number of onset of Brizzi) "pulls up" the whole geographical area, and shifting attention, balances, the following topics: Gomorrah comes to a editorial content and very well prepared ground: that of "deserters" in the homonymous anthology published in 2000 in the series for the Freestyle by Giovanna De Angelis. That includes Anthony Pascale (1966) Joshua Calaciura (1960), Antonio Franchini (1958) Braucci Maurizio (1966), Diego de Silva (1964), David Morandi (1965). Never mind the perhaps too-sponsored Erri de Luca, or Marosi Castaldi and remember instead the polycentric irregular and cultured as Gabriele Frasca (1957) or more "miltanti" as quoted Braucci and lightning and volcanic Lello Voce (1957), leader of a movement of undisputed "democratic poetry" is not just what the " Poetry Slam." Among the narrators of the territory reported at least Peppe Lanzetta (1954) and Giuseppe Montesano (1959). Among the young Piero Sorrentino (1978) and "the big one" that is, the young author of Gomorra , which recently also signed pieces and regular reports for the 'Espresso'. In its issue of August 23
talks about his obsession with the "southern question" and cites Salvemini, Giustino Fortunato and Ernesto Rossi. Southern thinkers who had understood everything. Among politicians Berinotti cites as the only politician who went to Casal di Principe and points with respect to the legalistic Msi Almirante. As if to say: save the radicalism of the base, the thrust that moves to perform the act, accepting the joys (success) and pain (the Commons, and fear) that this entails. For my part I admire Saviano and I think he is the first post-colonial Italian writer. It is not a joke: those who read the article in the interview with Gianluca di Feo can hear it, even in his own way to revive the issue, very important.
Glory, for the ancients, to Hesiod, she was a goddess. But even in Virgil, under the name of fame, beginning to take fearful aspects. A hideous monster that has so many watchful eyes, ears, and how many languages \u200b\u200bhas on the body feathers. Saviano suppose could address the issue and meditate every day. His "different positioning" is not to be found in references to Pamuk, Rushdie, but in fact almost unique in literature written in Italy in recent years, not just an intellectual "protected", in danger for what he said, but also a writer's writing shed. And also why I call it post-colonial Saviano. mutatis mutandis this release was affected also Gavino Ledda, who went to school when it was read to the middle or early high school, the same Saviano's going on, already "adopted" in many schools. Saviano says he is not writing that frees the writer. No. It is the player that frees the writer. The players liberalize destroy the complaint, the conspiracy of silence. I wonder if he also happened after the film and a possible attempt incommunicative and the intransigence of a punctured Aurum Tellus ? I do not think in any event, we'll see. History relaxes and Pirandello had spoken more than once of "pleasure of the story." "Nothing is more calm in history, gentlemen," exclaimed one of his characters. "Everything in life You change continuously under the eyes. Nothing there for sure. While the story is everything determined, everything is established. "And each effect follows obedient to his cause with perfect logic, and each event takes place accurate and consistent in every detail, with the Duke of Nevers, the day that, so this year. etc.. Relaxes less, the story, if anyone's anxiety fartici pass.


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