Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Put Him Over The Knee

Belpoliti e il Settanta che manca

At the end of May 2002 at the Feast of the authors presented the Cuneo Seventy essay, Mark Belpoliti, recently described by Emanuele Zinato as "postmodern" and "dematerializing" (p.18), so then again on the agenda in March 2006 all’Università di Salford (Manchester, UK) nel convegno internazionale “ Italian Fiction in the Sixties and Seventies ”, sponsorizzato dalla British Academy. A Manchester ebbi modo di confrontarmi con Ernesto Livorni e di ascoltare una splendida lezione di Enrico Palandri. In ogni modo, stuzzicato da Zinato riprendo il testo e alcune delle considerazioni scritte allora. Il libro è composto da sette saggi e lettore può trovare in essi il proprio percorso di lettura, oppure mano a mano familiarizzando con i protagonisti, leggere questi saggi come ideali "storie della letteratura" parallele, intese come vicende di quello spazio indefinibile e ideale che definiamo piano della letteratura; piano su cui scorre ed evapora un discorso critico da Belpoliti portato avanti con stile chiaro e di piacevole lettura, bilanciato tra Calvino e di Celati (la scelta di rendere discorsivo anche l'apparato di note bibliografiche, ricorda le Finzioni Occidentali , cui è dedicato parzialmente l’ultimo capitolo). Il titolo però è ingannevole perché molto si parla degli anni Sessanta e poco del decennio successivo. Si tratta di una serie di colloqui a volte reali, desunti da carteggi editi e inediti, a volte invece ipotetiche tra Calvino e Manganelli per il fantastico, tra Sciascia e Primo Levi per l'ordine delle somiglianze assimilato all'interesse per la radice antropologica del narrare comune anche a Pasolini e Calvino; abbiamo poi il dialogo a distanza between Pasolini, Calvino, and Parise in the face of problems like '68, poverty, abortion, divorce, homosexuality (a barrier to open dialogue with Sciascia, declaring that "to be still on the side of Gide and not Claudel 'after the death of the first, regret quest'incomprensione). Parise Pasolini lives with a particularly troubled relationship mainly due to (Belpoliti suggests) the diversity of temperament. Calvin in Paris that "the best thing to do is ignore it," Pasolini is then evoked the contrast-enhanced by Pavese Fortini (in Verification of credentials would be remembered even though its dialogue-contrast distance up with Spitzer Cases of the secondary The witness, with Spitzer's answer to the latter). In the sixties, the expectation of the classic is not removed but merely dormant or transited from literature to myth, myth, anthropology, dall'archetipo to tachigrafy , to "document" Foucault. So while Manganelli and Calvin who are questioning the value of the classic (and still is obliged to compare with Eliot) on the other hand there are the papers of the insane, the history of clinical dietetics and the erotic, the comic Folengo Rabelais etc ... And then of Aretusi Camporesi, which parallels the Pinocchio Manganelli ... There is a view of the vast sea of literary theory, passing, amphibians, between publishers and the university, with its load of engaging charm: Calvin between Bactine, Frye, Leiris, Queneau, Perec, hidden between Frye and Deleuze (not the Différence et répétition but of Logique du sens ), the gap between myth and dream the interest of both the Romance . Here is the seventies, nestled between historicism and Marxism and the myth (of Pavese, Leone and Natalia Ginzburg and transiting the Einaudi and then in the Adelphi and Bollati Basic Books), they discover that understanding emotional year, the carnival Bolognese, l ' the corporeal expression, imagination. For Belpoliti the teachers are Calvin and Manganelli (and in a tight angle but not least Comisso and Parise), but also about Camporesi, the gorilla Quadrum Giuliano Scabia of Truck Charles Quartucci with texts by Alberto Gozzi. This is the Bologna pentothal, patience, Traumfabrick arrival of the comic. And here ends the essay by admitting Belpoliti last page notes that "the literary history of these years has yet to be written and should probably include a chapter with Tondelli, Palandri, Piersanti, we speak as a narrator Andrea Pazienza 'not an apology or a denigration "but a" history a way of telling "that draws from Celati, Scabia, Camporesi, Roberto Leydi, Gianni Scalia, and then the relationship between political utopias and feelings, and more." Too bad we're on page 302 and the book is finished. The analysis of a recreation understood as a "return to the shareholder agreements" is still yet to come (even if the liberation of the Convention by the specter of the rhetoric is certainly something to the aesthetics of reception and the fusion of horizons in hand in theoretical hath been thoroughly discussed here in the seventies). What is missing however is the joint between the two planes (theory and history). As in the seventies to the imagination "order," leggera geometrica e di Calvino (the Retta, it cristallo) subentri early music da 'vita matta "lo ancora molto meglio i raccontano testimoni come Palandri Scozzari e lo di Prima pagare poi Ricordare, che saggisti.


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