Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Type 2 Diabetes Diet For Truckers

Moresco saggista (2) il conflitto di un uomo pacifico.

I said that criticism of Moresco was born as a challenge but I have also spoken of a great kindness that characterizes all of his writings, a poetic and miraculous grace that makes even the brutality of the rapist of pregnant women, the sold to child porn Women's no holes, than wrapped in aluminum foil, and so on in songs. I used the term in the sense that gives the director Davide Maderna when he writes:

I am reminded of that joke Nazarin (1958) by Luis Buñuel: the story of a young priest out of the town, who lives and hosting prostitutes every time it receives the offer alms to others, by behaving as pure, does not own anything, rejects any social role, even the social role of the priest. At one point someone asks, "But she defies society, challenge the abuse, the insults of the people of his parishioners?". And he answers: "No, I do not challenge their nulla. Io accetto le cose come sono”. È un personaggio stralunato e non lo dice con boria. Il valore del termine ‘accettazione’ di cui vorrei parlare è un po’ questo: di qualcosa che si contrappone a quel germe di odio, di competizione insito nella parola ‘sfida’.

Moresco accetta di parlare. Non si butta nella mischia per avere il primo posto sotto i riflettori e poi non dire più niente. Un amico mi faceva notare che nell’ultimo aggiornamento della canonica Storia della Letteratura Italiana di Cecchi Sapegno viene dato a Moresco il “giusto spazio” e mi dice “e allora che vuole ancora”. Moresco stesso lo ripete in un intervento al salone del libro e in several occasions. "No, not enough for me."
The great merit, super affordable, so to speak, citing Céline Mea Culpa , Antonio Moresco, which could lead to a twenty-three player about to graduate in Italian literature was to open our eyes to a cultural conflict in progress, deaf and without angles: razor blades sunk in cotton. To understand The country of shit and etiquette the reference to Pasolini against Calvin is a must. Of the two essays I read a contiguous and then there were the letters anyone ever published by Basic Books, where he worked as an editorial consultant Berardinelli. They were the picture of a bleak landscape and the description of a historical shift in person. The euphoria of the beginnings , the explosion of Chaos songs, their new creative absorb the first blow of those essays, which, however, over the years continued to talk quietly meetings not real actors but the effects of resonance leading to a more or less rotation of critical discourse and a reassessment of certain values: Calvino, Eco, primarily, but also a certain Magris and Del Giudice and again many authors ... Symptomatic reading the various reviews Pent to the first and second part of the chaos songs. In the first the author said, essentially, that he sings and if he plays, the second praised the reliability and consistency of the project or something like that. In any case, I saw the charge of Moresco us something of my generation, I could see so much narrative Einaudi (Galiazzo and Bajan eg.) And we saw also a critique of some of my stories come out about the "Maltese." He hit the mark, and he was right. Of course, before he had realized others had noticed that Fortini eg Calvin, "the optimist in the shadow of power," tended to reduce conflicts and antagonisms are merely historical and social system of conflicts, but I had Moresco made it clear in a concrete way what was the extent of the idea of \u200b\u200bliterature. I had him touch with two works of power and unmatched in the Italian publishing market that had appeared as an answer to the 'impasse reported. Many other peers then they recognized the power of the writing, his news and in the years of PhD, the people I spoke of his work were concerned, attentive, or controversy, still lives. Rare in the corridors of the departments. When I know his work to a friend who taught Italian literature at the University of Barcelona, \u200b\u200balmost immediately decided to translate it into English. Since then, Antonio remembers me as the "unmoved mover" and it often makes me smile. These are personal reasons that prompted me to begin this essay and to write this preamble. From the next episode, the texts in detail.


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