Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Trimethoprim How Long Does It Take To Work

Antonio Moresco saggista (parte I)

Moresco I read from time to anyone Letters. It is the living Italian writer I most admire. We talked in four or five occasions and my sympathy is further enhanced by knowing the person. Against this background it is difficult to strike up a conversation but I'd do it. The episodes of this irregular critical soap opera I'll try.
"It 's jumped this, you missed that, we have broken with this, we have broken with that ... the readings are theoretical these years, the simplifications of these years, by a personal intellectual who went to close by itself in this dead end [...] A kind of intellectual class in loss of stature and status that reads all of reality through their small theoretical frameworks and sociological separate, believed to be in one place and it is saved in another infinitely more dramatic and great. All being well warm in her little niche, albeit laughable without even the furies of abstract modernist avant-garde art, taken off guard by the times to come. There is around a reading of annihilating life and "literature" by the figures that have already won to date. Are years, decades, that same look from different points but comes back with the same small objective. Now it is no longer this can not be more than ... No, you can still, you can always. It is you who can not. Do not be afraid of greatness because greatness is always possible. All these theories to small machines celibate, frightened by specialized figures who are afraid to know and feel terrible in the same size and the same risk they see in the past, a past petrified and defused they read through their cultural lenses consolatory . You really have to be very unsure of their size and their dream to have such a fear of greatness! "
To get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow writing works Antonio Moresco can quote this passage as countless others from Mink (1998) to Sbrego (2004). Moresco's writing again, storyteller unfolds in cells uniform, repeatable sequences varied, by parthenogenesis. Moresco is the monolingualism of the new century, digestion time shifted in an immutable style that has its own unique footprint that fits directly in Italian, "literary" and not (who ever from now on will some time with the word "flourished" preceded by a comma?) Moresco lives a voltage a constant challenge. All too easy to attack. His being disarmed fiercely confronts an immediate empathy or an open rejection, a boundless sympathy, or zeal to barricade. And the barricades, inevitably arose. Carla Benedetti, Tiziano Scarpa, Giuseppe Genna, Massimiliano Parente are there to witness it; around Moresco connate in the last twelve years, a spontaneous standing, fundamental, a rope. Can not I take from the package deployed on the "Western Front" or the nation as a whole Indiana: and then what does the good and mostly neglected while Dragon, or the less talented Bajan with this speech? Moresco can love and feel a perfect fool Parente? And how can we see this dynamic in the grounds of desertion from his critical work, the need to distance themselves from something that is compact and makes a group? Is to say "his retinue of acolytes have it and still complain, that the Mafia, and he comes to revere all take a step back ... but from where comes this fucking troublemaker" Moresco walking his way, with fury and grace (grace that shows such as responding to split up Evangelisti Cortellessa surgery) and takes us back to the years under your skin like a splinter sect and then the dispersion of the eighties. Moresco is the author who has passed literary values \u200b\u200band codes of the last century into the new century by outlining a clear path intellectual essay written in character, though talk of essays by Antonio Moresco might not like. The essay is sectoral, professional "defused" unacceptable. Moresco will not accept the rules of the game from their foundation in the most remote. Neither reading is reading in the traditional sense, but vision. We must break down the watertight bulkheads of the profession and the genres. Many say it, apart from him a few are able to do it. For non-fiction but I mean those places where Moresco about books or art, I mean those pages in which he speaks of something written or painted it there and then maybe it smashes into another, as in Sbrego , or as original title, nell’ Adorazione .
Per arrivare a rifondare la condizione epistemologica il saggio (scusate i paroloni) bisogna però non solo rifondare l’atto di lettura, azione aleatoria e non comprovabile, ma aggirare il canone, espanderlo evolvendo, cercando di evolvere la società e la civiltà italiana. Questo è il Moresco saggista che affronta il peso del mondo; quello che riconsegna al campo letterario italiano il mandato imperativo della grandezza, quello che piglia i soldi di Silvio per consegnare lo Zibaldone al bacino linguistico dominante al momento, quello che ci fa scoprire che Dante in Giappone era una donna, quello che combatte per i Rom e intanto ci porta a ripercorre strade impensabili, da Bilenchi to Walser, Louis-Auguste Blanqui in Prince Genji. Moresco hates the term "literature", I think they also hate the term "intellectual" and perhaps "story" and who knows how many more pathetic attempts to limit language something that must not be enclosed in boxes and predigested precostiutuite. Yet if a critic were to write in its language and its tools would make a good service, neither the author nor the reader nor to the literary criticism in which shelf in the end will end the book. For this reason having to write something about Moresco I will not start work with "rub style" but I will try to investigate "the historical position of the intellectual and essayist Moresco in the Field of Italian literature. " Almost all of the words may be used but the crate as castrating purpose. I always found it a bit hard to justify and 'snobbish desire to Montale "not to be stuck in history," especially after you've worked so hard in front and behind, to be the poet-journalist with the Corriere, which is why even though it is fundamental "The exit from the state of minority" referred to Antonio, the service that I would make (even those who did not want the news or could not understand) would explain the new with the old language. Intellectual laziness? Homogenized? Icy companion from future curriculum adoptions and nothing else? Maybe. If anything I learned, I will explain myself to some risk. Why are there still bad digestion, small mediocrity and laziness. Starting with a comparison: for example, between the form of essays Love Away Sebastiano Vassalli and The Sbrego ... (more)


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