Friday, December 24, 2010

Imagine Baby Club Maraccas

2010 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2011

Hoping that this year's CRISIS steps, which
changing hands, perhaps with one of Center Left , sent to POWER ANTONIO DI PIETRO



Tuesday, December 14, 2010

How Many Days Past Best By Date

FAITH helps to live

Salve a tutti, oggi vorrei parlare di un nuovo argomento, la Preghiera, la FEDE per chi crede in DIO aiuta a vivere la vita di tutti i giorni, soprattutto è un aiuto di speranza per le persone sole, povere , depresse ed esaurite psicologicamente o stressate, orfane e chi più ne ha più ne metta.
La Preghiera se unita ad un pensiero Positivo e Ottimistico una volta al day for a lifetime, helps greatly in overcoming various problems of social and emotional problems and interior, the FAITH and belief to the LORD is a ACE up its sleeve for those who aspire to a life spiritually and materially more harmonious and peaceful.

There are books that give information on the spiritual and material life, books that teach prayer and FAITH , especially books that give advice on how to face life every day.
course, if put into practice, these books can be a catalyst for addressing many problems that life places before, although I must admit that those who live a life pessimistic and negative, will hardly be able to be realized in the present and the future, even if it should read 10 000 books that explain how to get rich both within and materially, would still be .. always at zero.

should strive to live with a positive attitude, even if at times .. could be very hard , given that there are ups and downs for everyone. One day you are fine and one day is bad, it's normal part of life.
To live well, we should farsi un lavaggio di cervello di pensieri positivi e ottimistici , pregare e lavorare, divertirsi e cercare di non pensare alle cose tristi che ci fanno star male.
Mai sottovalutare il potere della mente, se usata bene , può farci vivere una vita decisamente più positiva, anche in vecchiaia.

Però è anche vero che chi sta male con la depressione e l'esaurimento , ( che sono riconosciute come vere e proprie malattie cliniche dalla psichiatria ) deve ricorrere ai ripari e curarsi sia psicologicamente che farmacologicamente . Perchè altrimenti would be quite impossible to leave it alone, despite all the goodwill that we can put in a try.

However, there are two ways to start the day in positive , every morning when you wake up and you get up from bed before going to the bathroom to shave and wash or otherwise before making preparations at home, dressing , have breakfast and again before going to work or study ... etc etc ...
each morning as you open your eyes let the sign of the Cross, then tell ( if you know it by heart, better ) the Father our voice to normal or low, however, is not to mind, as he compares better with words, because words are heard , while the mind is more easy to get distracted and forget, but you must not forget the prayer, you must learn to assimilate it into words, words still positive Love and Hope , as they are of course all the prayers written for Christians .

So in summary: every morning before the sign of the Cross, then recite the Our Father which art in heaven, at the end of prayer say Lord deliver us from all evils . Then after reciting the ' Hail Mary full of grace, even after saying this prayer: We fly to your protection O Holy Mother of God, despise not our petitions in our necessities of trial and deliver us from all dangers, O glorious and blessed Virgin. Amen.
then recited the 'Angel of God ( that is the guardian angel ) and finally' the eternal rest for the dead.

Always remember the words of Jesus Christ : Everything is possible for those who believe . Your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him! All I ask in my name he will grant.

means that after praying the Our Father, Hail Mary, the Angel of God, and eternal rest, you always say at the end of all the prayers you have said, these words: in the name of JESUS \u200b\u200bCHRIST or 'or JESUS' CHRIST ( as you want it short, it does not matter how you invoke him by name ) In the name of Christ ask the help of God, Mary, The Guardian Angel for a life more positive and optimistic and always meet nice people that they can send me Love and Friendship ( then if you wish, you can add other things that you certainly have to ask ) help in the work and lives of every day, helping me to feel less alone / a , to remove all the evils to be near me, to live a good day.
at the end after having prayed to end the prayer say, " making you the sign of the Cross "

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning is now and always forever and ever. Amen. Repeat again the Sign of the Cross, saying only: In the Name of the Father e del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo. Amen.

Dopo aver Pregato, il secondo modo per iniziare la giornata in Positivo è il seguente:
Parole Positive da leggere almeno un paio di volte a voce normale tutte le mattine prima di iniziare la giornata.
Il successo è assicurato, la positività anche, l'Ottimismo idem. Queste che leggerete sono parole appositamente studiate per mettere il buon umore, le udii la prima volta ad un meeting dell' Herbalife , quando ci lavoravo Attivamente, ad un corso di Formazione dove chi spiegava era un ragazzo laureato in Filosofia , e che time ( certainly now have a career in Herbalife ) was already at the level of "Million Team", was very close to the level of " Presidet 's Team", ie President of Herbalife International.
However, the words to read and to ensure the effectiveness are:

EVERY DAY THAT GOES TO BECOME INCREASINGLY BRAVO address what happens to me as a unique and unrepeatable PRECIOUS outstanding opportunities for personal growth that give me LIFE.

Words that Work and mettono il Buon Umore, tutte le mattine dopo aver Pregato ditele a voce per un paio di volte, a voce si assimilano meglio. Bene.. come vi sentite ???
Adesso potete alzarvi dal letto e iniziare la giornata lavorativa normalmente.

La sera prima di andare a dormire ricordatevi di recitare almeno il Padre Nostro e stop , e poi a nanna.

Libri che consiglio di leggere sono:
( Cliccate sopra i titoli sottolineati )

  1. THE JOURNEY OF LIFE ( Psychology and personality )
  2. CHANGE ; ( Psychology )
  3. Necklace: Albisetti Valerio , (Psychology )
  4. KINGDOM OF HAPPINESS '           ( Psicologia )
  5. THE OPUS                                                  ( Psicologia )
  6. Collana di Psicologia                               ( Psicologia )
  7. LA LEGGE DI ATTRAZIONE           (Positive Thinking )
  8. THE SCIENCE OF STAR BENE ( Positive Thinking )
  9. negative influences ( Positive Thinking )
  10. THE WONDERS OF POSITIVE THINKING ( Positive Thinking )

And that's it, I highly recommend reading and putting into practice these wonderful books that teach positive life, I recommend never underestimate the power of Psychology and Positive Thinking .

positive thinking and the best solution to not fall victims of negativity '

LIVING WITH PSYCHOLOGY AND 'The Most' meaning that there


Sunday, December 12, 2010

The White Wolf Of Icicle

Mega Map

Yes, this is a topic that I wanted to prepare completely, I'm a huge fan of this fantastic game strategic for dating back to the PC far 1998 , And who happens to distance 12 long years, now you can find FREE on the Internet and download it to your FREE COMPUTER .
The beauty of this game is that it's all virtual, well designed, well-structured environment after a hypothetical World War III, and coincidentally the very year 2100. Unfortunately has some malfunction, I noticed that if you do not have completely clean from any PC SPYWARE , the game may crash and inexplicably reset itself alone, to return to Windows , which .. as it is damn annoying.

However, there are ways and ways to ensure that the game will not suddenly blocks one of the many is to use a good free spyware, scan your PC and clean all that by removing any spyware, a SOFTWARE really good that I would recommend is:
Ps. If interested click on Advance ..

I always recommend to keep the defragmented PC to run any computer game, also if you have a good Antivirus, scan PC at least once every three days, any VIRUS on your computer may cause the blockade and the failure of video games.

also provide the " SCANDISK " every time you introduce a new problem PC, type blocks sudden, unexplained continuous automatic restarts, and then other small problems with sudden shutdowns.
If your computer will not work no more, or reset itself suddenly and not come on for several minutes ( or even in the worst case scenario ) hours, you begin to consider bringing in repair by a technician, or possibly buying a new more sophisticated and modern.

That said, I continue to explain the game Warzone2100 . The game
WZ2100 is just fantastic, with the right mouse button is possible to rotate the whole game map to 360 degrees, even up and down until you see the horizon of the map with the left mouse button (mouse always ) or you can select a tank at a time, or by holding down the left mouse button you can drag four lines forming a square, and expand them to your liking to select armatini endless battle to be sent out in the area of \u200b\u200bexploration for the whole game.
The beauty of this game is not so much, but as much as it offers the possibility to download from the Internet in a multitude of highly detailed maps made by FAN around the world for inclusion in videogames Warzone2100 .

Unfortunately, what they never thought the FAN of this game is just the ability to create a MEGA MAP . The maps currently available are made 2 players, and players 4 8 players, but I would love a MEGA MAP da 64/100 o 500 giocatori .

Come ???

Non è impossibile e secondo me non è nemmeno necessario crearne di nuove, sempre secondo me la soluzione è già nelle mappe che sono state create, basta un minimo di creatività e il gioco è fatto.
Unire tutte quante le mappe da gioco in forma ASPIRALE ( partendo da quelle da 2 giocatori, per poi 4 ed infine 8 ) fino a creare un'unica GRANDE MAPPA , una MEGA MAPPA per moltissimi giocatori.
Fino ad ora un esperimento simile non è mai stato tentato da nessuno, in nessun gioco di Strategia esistente, ma credo che sia arrivato il momento di provare a creare una MEGA MAPPA in grado di supportare centinaia di giocatori dislocati per il mondo intero, sarà davvero un grande passo avanti per l'evoluzione di videogiochi strategici online oppure offline , quindi contro il computer.

L'unico problema è che per tentare una cosa del genere è indubbiamente essenziale sviluppare anche una PATCH molto sofisticata che corregga eventuali blocchi o BUG presenti nel gioco stesso.
Questo compito lo lasceremo agli Sviluppatori del gioco Originale che spero prendano in my account IDEA. I recall that on Another World 2022 is the " Copyright ", which means that everything I write, not only belongs to me and to others.
Any ideas Forum, Blog external This, Chat, Social Network , more .. by people who exposes this new , kindly please always quote the Original Author, "Andrea " Another World of 2022, do to ensure that people do not you take the on the merits ideas of others.

So this beautiful game to download from the internet completely FREEWARE can do at this address:

NOTE : Unfortunately I noticed that on that site Warzone 2100 there are a few game maps that are not working properly, have the BUG that do not go unnoticed, I kindly ask or correct or delete them permanently, and to pay more care in creating them.
This message is addressed to FAN , Programmers, Players WARZONE2100 .
report any problems on the discussion board of this game at:

last thing: the game is completely in English, There is much to discover in Warzone2100 , such as building structures, the design of combat units and the perimeter of the base defenses, as well as the implementation of anti-aircraft defense systems in the game itself.
But calm, do not have time to put me to list everything, then I leave you the opportunity to download and play the game for free " Tutorial" gives you a tip on how it works.
final word: beautiful game is in online multiplayer .

Regards to all


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Animals See Ir Light Security Camera

Warzone 2100 Multi Level Marketing. ie .. (MLM)

Among 10-odd years the FUTURE will only Multi Level Marketing Commerce and Online , disappear for most small shops that are trading for Italian roads, many people still closes trading activities to jump online, even " Beppe Grillo " once said that the FUTURE humanity is NETWORK , even my brother who works as advertising representative for a newspaper ad says that the Province of Rome and many of his customers close their operations because of the crisis, and then jump into the internet and finally sell on a national scale, how??

Most of the dealers, and other types of work in own ( except for dentists, health clinics, family doctors, hospitals, banks, post offices and more .. ) are seriously thinking of activities ONLINE , is the FUTURE INTERNET the TRADE is INTERNET , even SEX AND INTERNET , and we all know that the sex is great, as far as concern the ONLINE BETTING, dating sites for the search of the famous soul mate, Friendship, and many other articles online.

All this is put forward by Multi Level Marketing that slowly are popping up like mushrooms, well studied, no pyramids and no chain letters as they once were, but real Multi Level able to earn either all their AFFILIATES .

But another type of Marketing is slowly becoming more commonplace, and is the famous " FRINCHISING " for those who feel led to do so will earn exorbitant figures in all new entrepreneurs from 18 years up ..

And so I ' Andrea "I went to Internet search of jobs that are depopulating online, this shows me what the Frinchising and Multi Level Marketing today represent a real REALITY ' online shopping . This is one I mentioned all the latest news on the network that is being done slowly learn more and more, the world of online gambling. Basically from what I understand it, is a Multi Level Marketing in effect, where a Affiliate earns just happens on its own Internet gambling, with the difference that will go to create his "leadership " so his team affiliated with the circuit " multiplay " that will be created. The speech is a bit complex considering that not working I did not understand fully how it works, anyway .. I invite all those interested parties to click on the link I added a moment ago for more clarification and information online. While
instead to watch the video presentation, I suggest you click on this other link that will direct you straight to YouTube:

A Ps My Opinion: Personally I have never liked gambling and much less bet, since many people with this type of gambling activity has always ended badly, especially on pavements, however, as the case of work in "Network Marketing Multilevel "might be a good base to go into that, then eventually, if you are interested, try to work with.

Another job that slowly is being felt is the opening of an online dating site: Friendship , Love, Sex , Adventures and / or other .. become managers and owners of a site of online dating, for all those people who feel they brought to work in business meetings in the net, call for more information click on this link fabulous: that will give you more information on how do, but read the fine that could be the opportunity that you were probably looking for some time.

Another site Multi Level Marketing in New between the Internet is the " PORNO MLM, Multilevel Marketing, or a Porno , which unfortunately I did not understand what the hell it works, because to know clearly that we must become members and the that .. leaves me a bit with a bitter taste, because the network did not find it a video and an information base on the marketing of this new work online, the only thing I could see in it, was the site internet of a " Pinco Pallino ( not know who he is) and who holds the copyright on your site, so obviously it is the owner.
But .. leaves me somewhat puzzled for a job as a network that not even remotely an overview of how the work when it is so, I do not trust. However ! may not report on Another World 2022 here just because I do not accept link of a pornographic nature, considering that this Blog is open to all ages, the only thing I can write ( if you want to find it online, but only if you have an aged 18y.o. up .. ) is to go on the search engine "google Italy" and search for the word PORNO MLM, you will find it immediately. If you should be interested, get all the information prior to any entry to the site, if you love the world of porn, this is undoubtedly the work for you.

eye for anything, I always thought that behind the sex internet and online betting, you hide the crime, maybe you're wrong, my opinion is this, then you do, everyone is free to do what he wants in life.
For more information on other Multi Level Marketing both online and offline, I recommend visiting AVEDISCO (Customer Service Direct Selling Association ) and earn with the web, click here: .

Regards to all


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Internal Error. Contact Tally Solutions


Hello, today I would like to talk and discuss a new topic, " LITERATURE . I suggest some books to buy online library FELTRINELLI . The books that I recommend today are six in all, and talk about how increasing wealth, income and money with the system of meta-physics, quantum physics, the desirability and science, you can earn, it is impossible to fail, especially if put into practice, these books can bring great benefits to the reader or the reader.

Meanwhile council to begin: The Science of Getting RICH ( Board click on the underlined titles to land in which I will write Feltrinelli) by Wallace D. Wattles , writer and author of two other books, died in 1910 in America. This is a book that, if put into practice can lead to gain from immediately, especially if you need immediate cash to live the life. Especially if you are unemployed and / or insecure, or if you have a job that you are not happy and want to expand your knowledge in the meta-physics and science gain. It is important that you follow to the letter what is written in the book and be able to 100% of cases, to live a good life with dignity. Perhaps speak of wealth on the spot and dare I say impossible, but with time and patience, slowly, able to become truly wealthy. It is important not to lose heart and keep on going head-on, despite the difficulties that life separates us before.

Another book by the same author Wallace D. Wattles that I would advise those present and invited readers to view it, is: THE LAW OF ATTRACTION . This is a book that I highly recommend to read after reading The Science of Getting Rich , the law of attraction explains why there are people who get everything they want from life, while others fail to achieve their desires. This book explains the method to become experts in attracting the world around us, through science and knowledge, positivity and the right words, the whole being implemented together with the previous book I mentioned, this on the law of attraction can become a good catalyst for acquiring POWER AWARENESS and to address any situation in life everyday.
Ps. And even if it is not so, at least it's always something more to learn in the field of intellectuality.

The third book that I would always recommend the same author "Wallace D. Wattles " entitled:
THE SCIENCE OF STAR BENE . In this book ( I recommend you read the previous two after I reported ) it the scienza dello star bene , Wattles ci fornisce utili consigli per salvaguardare la salute, adottando un nuovo modo di pensare che ci aiuti ad attirarla e a preservarla: come nelle medicine orientali è importante curare la mente adottando il giusto modo di pensare e di relazionarci alla salute piuttosto che curare i sintomi delle malattie.
Ps. Un gran bel libro, anche se non dovesse funzionare.. è sempre qualcosa in più da sapere nel campo dell'intellettualità.

Nel quarto libro che vorrei consigliare di leggere trattasi di " FISICA " ( ovviamente non ginnastica, ma la vera FISICA che si studia all'università ) che spiega i fondamenti scientifici nel acquisire Potere e Consapevolezza, proprio come " la legge di attrazione " di " Wallace D. Wattles ", con la differenza però che questo libro è scritto dal " Dottor. Bartlett Richard " dal titolo: LA FISICA DEI MIRACOLI . Straordinario libro assolutamente da leggere, che trasporterà il lettore guidandolo e facendolo accedere a condizioni di coscienza alterata e consapevolezza accresciuta in momenti diversi – fondamentalmente attraverso il viaggio nel tempo.
Per ulteriori informazioni, invito a cliccare sopra il titolo sottolineato in rosso.

In the fifth book that I highly recommend reading is called: THE SCIENCE AND MIRACLES is a beautiful reading this book and I guarantee you'll open your mind in all aspects of life in general.
Religion and science for the first time together on this fantastic and very interesting book to buy to feed the mind with the culture and information.
Ps. Even if you do not believe, it is always something more to learn in the field of intellectuality.

In the sixth book, and then the last, still on PHYSICS , but this time contemporary advice:
FLYING FROGS AND OTHER MAGIC - a fascinating read, a book not only to read but also to learn. Experienced firsthand the events during the experiments of magnetic levitation of frogs and other living things to the many topics dealt with for the magazine "Focus", Andrea Parlangeli addresses many of the most fascinating and debated topics of contemporary physics.

And this is all dear friends, I highly recommend to take into strong consideration the idea of \u200b\u200bbuying one of these wonderful books online science, physics, meta-physics religion and magic, all explained through science, books not to be missed. Click on the underlined headings in capital letters, and arrive in the biggest library " FELTRINELLI " online. Buy online at great prices to nourish your mind with culture and information. See you all next time.


Friday, November 12, 2010

Imagine Baby Club Maracas

The Beauty of Music Beauty

Hello, today I would like to talk about MUSIC , the music that warms the heart, music that makes you feel good, music that makes you enjoy the music that makes you sing, the music that makes you dance, the music that makes you smile, music that makes you .. good for you, like music therapy, and because the subject today is just music, here I am ready to talk about this wonderful thing on my blog Another World 2022.

Unfortunately today in our country face Italian groups (let's face it openly ) of shit, bands who do not know what it means to create, manage and make real great music and both Italian and foreign. Fortunately there are still people who despite their innate talent in playing a musical instrument and composing beautiful words without transcending in TRASH , these TALENTS thanking God Almighty certainly not lacking in our beautiful but (at the same time ) ugly country forgotten by God . Indeed .. I will say more, in addition to being surrounded by real bands MERDESCHI , these (some ) true talent, have the power to make a beautiful song to the ears of our good and beloved country of origin. What that new groups of today who so scrupulously follow the hours adolescents of this generation, and that just today's teens display a modo di vestirsi da far ridere anche al più scemo di tutti gli scemi in circolazione, fissati dalla moda che questi gruppi musicali trasmettono ai giovani di oggi, orecchini al naso, piercing, tatuaggi, le ragazzine col culo di fuori, poi soprattutto quando stanno sedute gli si vedono i Jeans che calano senza " cinta " fino a mostrare il loro sedere " provocante " agli uomini e donne che passano davanti a loro, una moda che sta facendo il suo corso ( a mio avviso negativo ) Trash , e che ascoltano musica di merda , diciamocela tutta.. poveri noi.... bèh..!!! dicevo, cosa che i nuovi gruppi di oggi non riescono proprio a regalare these strong emotions of musical melody and true MUSIC .

To prove what I say about the quality of MUSIC in Italy in the World, ( but the real music and not the crap of these new groups MERDESCHI in circulation now, which are not I want to name names ) public 10 music videos taken from "youtube " of some of the music of excellent quality and exquisite workmanship, which still runs in the world, giving plays to no end.

Just to start, how not to mention the famous and never forgotten Iron Maiden ?

And Famous Pino Scotto , the fantastic Italian rocker everything that makes true music?

But if this is still not for you to follow me, then you can not miss a fantastic piece of rocker
Richard Benson all Italian musician with his electric guitar that handles like a pro. The videos below.

Even if the music goes back a long time ago, is still a band that made history, remember the famous and timeless Pink Floyd ??

And just for a moment to move from Rock to other music, I could not not to mention the magnificent VANGELIS , originally GREEK which created fantastic Soundtrack also and especially for movies that came out to the movies.
For example, the soundtrack to "Blade Runner " made her own VANGELIS .

Let's move somewhere else for a moment, how do you not mention the exceptional musician, singer Alan Parson ?
Chi non si ricorda il suo Album Alan Parson Project !!! " TIME ".

Non potevano in questo elenco di video Musicali mancare i fantastici " Queen " il Cantante GAY Freddie Mercury , che faceva della buona e bella musica, apprezzato in tutto il mondo e famosissimo per il suo talento musicalmente artistico. Ricordando un suo video qui sotto.

BeeGees or the well-known band of the past years and still have not yet gone out of fashion, fans from around the world continue to hear their beautiful songs and romantic, the BeeGees are timeless, this band can not and must not be forgotten, because this is the case that music is real quality , music to listen and to dream with this piece:

But how can we forget the group of The Beatles ?
Impossible to forget, but only to listen to many many times again, to remember those times that many people still can not just forget. The past is better than the music could have just remembered the years of The Beatles .

Of Prophilax the only piece that I appreciate beautiful and has done very successfully is just Get on the radio with BEEP .
Then for all other parts of this gruppo musicale sono apprezzati solo da quelli che amano seguire questa Band . Ma non da tutti, ovviamente.

Con questo è tutto, ci vediamo al prossimo post Amici, un caro saluto da me, Andrea.


Thursday, October 28, 2010

Help Overcome My Separation

The Trans World

Ho sempre reputato i Transessuali ( da maschi a femmine ) A kind of creatures are very beautiful and sensual, intelligent and determined, with an incomparable spirit of willingness to female DNA. The Trans, Transgender, Shemale, Tranny, Ladyboy, (call them what you want but always " Trans " are in my opinion) live a life of constant suffering and perpetuates it, some because they are not accepted by society and do not feel accepted them, some because they were men, but the transition path to become women is long and difficult, a bit because many choose the path of prostitution and a bit because many have problems getting it to accept their families as parents, brothers and sisters , all condido with a good dose of " Church and priests against Trans.

recognize that transsexuals are a breed apart from that I just can not integrate with our Western society, while in " Thailand " there are even toilets Trans, while over here (in Italy ) things are literally getting worse. The demonstrations Trans, Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual certainly do not help the situation Italian, and what little you can do is not considered by this Government thinking only and exclusively to its interests, the more time passes and the more I realize that to fight homophobia and the integration of Trans society in Italian, including the rights of homosexuals in general, you better vote for a party in this regard are increasingly convinced that the right side is to Antonio Di Pietro 's Italy of Values, or commonly called IDV.

So to make further changes to this company degraded the first thing you should do is clean up the Italian Government to remove those people who can not represent Italy and I know the government, so Bringing Justice to the government (which è la cosa più importante da fare, prima di occuparsi del resto dell'Italia ) per poi portare una ventata di aria fresca anche al resto dello stivale Italiano.
Come ? semplicemente facendo rispettare le leggi ( visto che nessuno le rispetta ) portare più Giustizia, fare delle nuove " leggi ", portare l'educazione civica, più cultura, promuovere l'arte, la musica, la recitazione teatrale, lo sport, l'educazione alimentare, le scuole di musica, le scuole di disegno e pittura, oltre naturalmente all'integrazione dei Transessuali nella società moderna, quindi secondo me, dando la mia opinione: più IDV per all for a better future.

Meanwhile, since the situation is one that is without work, with much unemployment, precariousness and more ... public 10 video from youtube both Italians and foreigners, to combat homophobia with these videos of transsexual people who populate the Internet disclocate for the world and Italy.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

Minor Ringworm Images

Flea markets

Yes, today we talk about of flea markets, good (dare I say ) to start selling used items, a bit like on ebay or on many other websites that offer this option , or as the Mall I manage myself personally as a franchisee, anytime.

The flea markets are formidable, a bit like the famous newspaper is coming out on newsstands every Tuesday and Friday here in Rome, Lazio Region, Portaportese . However, it should be noted that there are Flea markets that are not online but also outside of the internet, one of the most famous that has become known by 1995 to date, while another really good and interesting where to sell vinyl records, rare, books, comic books, magazines, collectibles, cd, dvd, demo tapes, horror, science fiction, heavy metal, progressive rock and psychedelia is: this is in Rome.

be honest to sell their used items instead of throwing them, is the best thing to do, especially if you want to round a bit with the salary of the job, partly because the used in our country is very strong and not only with regard to the purchase, but also the sale.

If you have business sense, do not throw away more stuff you have, sell them, guadagnateci above, is the best thing to do to re-enter a few euro more. The only thing is the VHS (video ) that are no longer, I shot I do not know how many stores and flea markets here in Rome to try to give them away, but nothing, does not know to do this, the video not take more if anyone, the only thing I have to do is try to sell them on ebay or on some website free classifieds around the Internet, however things go, if not longer be able to sell them, I will always have the option of throwing it away permanently into the garbage and good night.

I would point out also this very interesting site, where you can search for hand market in its region: believe me that is not bad , is a great site indeed very nice, and that is really worth giving it a good look, just click on the address which I have to land on the site you want to visit.

And finally if you feel entrepreneurs and taken to work on their own, especially in trade, I recommend the opening of your hand market in Franchising , I highly recommend visiting this link very interesting: who knows, could be the profession you've been waiting a long time in your city of origin.

And this is really all



Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tiffany Granath Husband

The Palace of The Labyrinth Guild Warlock

Il palazzo di Gilda dei Warlock, fatto costruire da Martenus sulle rovine del quartiere a luci rosse degli Zenth (quale posto migliore aggiungerei).

la parte rappresentata è quella posteriore che da su un piccolo giardino verso le mura della città.

il resto è TOP SECRET :)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Best Encryption Algorithm

Ci addentriamo nella parte sinistra del labirinto (dopo la prima svolta) troviamo vari ostatoli, una palla di fuoco, un cubo gelatinoso che è a cavallo di 2 corridoi e che Dhalam riesce a distruggere con del fuoco mentre molti di noi ne rimangono incantatati. Nella parte poco precedente succede una cosa strana, dopo che Martenus torna da una breve perlustrazione viene scambiato da Ulrim e Dhalam per uno scheletro blu e cercano di attaccarlo, l’intervento di Valentin e Drusilla riesce a evitare una dura battaglia nel gruppo. Mentre Monserat scopre che c’è un nido di cubi gelatinosi e che presto uno nuovo prenderà il posto di quello bruciato, Dhalam ci rivela che il motivo per cui Martenus è stato scambiato per uno scheletro è il potere di una creatura che è meglio evitare, a tal proposito decidiamo di tornare sui nostri passi e provare con la parte sinistra del labirinto.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Mixing Low Glycemic Foods High Glycemic

my shop e-commerce to the woods

Ho messo su da oggi il mio negozio online!! ci sono svariati prodotti tra cui cercare e ne aggiungerò altri successivamente, se volete fateci un giro e passate parola :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Vintage Bedroom Ideas

Il portale ci fa arrivare in una palude, ci troviamo immersi fino alle ginocchia, scopriamo presto che nelle acque si nascondono dei serpenti che iniziano a colpirci, la reazione è quasi immediata. Ulrim si trasforma in drago in modo da poter volare sopra le acque, Drusilla evoca il cervo spettrale in modo da poter salire sulla sua groppa e volare. Valentin, Dhalam, Scamil si spostano sopra delle rovine nelle vicinanze del portale in modo da uscire dalla water, finally Martenus stun some of the snakes. Ulrim in the form of a dragon realizes that those who attacked us are in fact also one of the puppies and their parents is coming with warlike intentions, the snake attacks the dragon that is flying low and Valentin spoke in support of Ulrim. At this point the magician gets up and soon we see that Dhalam with his sword (though it seems that the sword is dragging Dhalam) attack the enemy with one shot and decapitated the snake. The area is too dangerous and above all puts us at a disadvantage we decide to move where there is water and divided between deer and spectral Ulrim we transported on dry (so to speak).

It sees in the distance a large willow tree and seems to be our destination as some clues us in that direction, Drusilla uses his heavenly steed to go on patrol and sees a priestess, a champion unconscious, 2 Linch, several skeletons and a close temple with four domes from which part of the spirit of snakes. It seems that now is dedicated to Demogorgon. Dhalam feels that under the present morass of gems, then decided to try to go underground through the temple to free the priestess and the champion (although I do not think free is correct when referring to the priestess. We make a sortie, Valentin uses his ability to turn undead in order to reduce the enemies, in fact Lynch remains the 2, 2 skeletons blue, 2 skeletons dressed in a strange way and the priestess. Now comes the direct combat and the usual move of launching the paladin can stun opponents, Drusilla says a prayer whose effect is to dematerialize the priestess Latarian .... But the opposite effect as Drusilla unconscious. Martenus uses his explosive power of a mystical dematerialize for Lynch, Valentin said to recognize the paladin is called Ten Zarkon and is the son of one of the hierophants Tortusga. The temple was the entrance to the mine of the dwarves, known as a labyrinth full of pitfalls and traps that if you pass leading to a treasure trove of rare and precious gems. Only thanks to a prayer Lathander we awaken to Drusilla. Ten talks to Valentin and do not seem at all relaxed obviously the revelations that he did care about him, we decide to enter. Inside the temple there is a fountain with four jets from which the blood comes out. We find the first two doors on the left seems to descend into the mine, the other leads to 4 rooms in the four domes that seem to be used as dwellings. We go down there and a corridor from the middle of that area begins a antimagia, it seems that in particular, prevents anything that can move people and force them to follow the corridor. Dhalm note that there is a tile on the floor of the symbols of small and not easily understood. Advancing we find a Dhalm trap and realize that the system is through activation of the small air ducts to incorporate if someone passes in front.

Continuing down the corridor there are intersections with other tiles. We understand that the key to finding the right way but we must understand the mechanism. We must always remember that in case of error should go back again, a clear signal to say that if the road is incorrect tiles present in that location are incorrect.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Manual Miniexcavator Jcb

Snake Hill's Edge Comp Orp

After a restless night we will have a secret meeting of all senior levels of the city. The news is not the best, in fact the money for the reconstruction of the city are already running out in a week and we will not be able to pay the army with all the problems of the case. Dalham announced that the city of dragons have been sighted in particular metallic dragons, particularly in the area of \u200b\u200bthe market, this spit from Valentin to talk about his misadventure in the night. In fact, while the champion was returning to his home was attacked by Daudhir, was much affected by the death of his dragon and says that he thinks the ambassadors are simply metallic dragons, and that if they are not driven out the agreement with them is to be considered zero.

Drusilla also has a story not of the best we had dominated the priestess addressed in the tower ran Nerul, dal tempio di Lathander dove era custodita per rimuovere la dominazione. Dovrebbe essere nel bosco dei serpenti e potrebbe essere un grosso pericolo per Tortusga ma soprattutto per LightMansion. A questo si aggiunge un altra informazione di Dahlam sembra che Maruk l’arguto sia sempre meno affidabile inoltre sempre più spesso passa il tempo nei pressi delle colline a sud est della zona.

Arriva il vice di Ulrim con molta insistenza chiede di parlare con il mago, quando torna Ulrim ci rivela che nella torre della magia è stato trovato, molto ben nascosto, un portale celestiale e che uno dei sui maghi è stato risucchiato all’interno dopo un’attivazione accidentale. Stark ci dice che ci vogliono delle conoscenze celestiali per attivarlo properly and that he thought they were all destroyed by Zhent. In fact, the portals can be used to move in different places, so I think that could be used to attack them. Latest information is that the bard in the north of our city for the accuracy of Hill's Edge (new transit point of caravans Zhent) a group of gnomes has created a machine that can identify minerals including metals surely. We must decide how to operate and after a vote we decided to go to Hill's Edge. We also use this time to the caravel, of course we stopped outside the city so that we do not see. We enter and immediately encounter what appears to be a poor man who asks us a gold coin as a charge to enter. We understand that this is a blatant scam and refuse to pay, our crook does not fuss and walks away. We go to a tavern that hardly seems to be one of the best frequented by the poorer class. There we find that the population is not at all happy with the presence of Zhent even if only in passing, also all the gnomes were driven from the city and took refuge in Orp Comp. Drusilla the inn is also proposed to use a beer brewed by the monks of LightMansion guild, we can not bring beer directly to Hill's Edge, but you can fulfill Orp which is halfway. At this point we decide to go in the city of Comp Orp, them we are greeted by a group of children who turn out to be the children of the Dundast Hulteal Singoria the city. We are now led by his father who turns out to be very friendly, also is fond of horses of all kinds, in fact it straddles a rare zebra. It gives us something to drink in the tavern "La Taverna del Ponte Background" revealed to him that we would like to speak with the community of gnomes and tells us that most of them located in an area near the tavern. Some of us are aware of something strange, as if all the shares of Dundanst were checked and all he hears and sees is itself known to others. The tavern is Dhalam Martenus that are affected by the bard that is entertaining bystander. The lord of the city insists to accompany the gnomes, they too seem very hospitable and offer us more beer and food, beer and yet still accept the lure of food, we leverage on the curiosity of Dundast to go away with him Dhalam, and Drusilla Valentin others remain with the gnomes or Martenus, Ulrim, Shamil, KGM. Manage to have our friends in the car because we want to use it against Zhent, since they have made two prototypes there an injury. Meanwhile, other visitors to the collection of mounts Hulteal, Veniano achieved by other members and at this point the Lord invites us to eat with him, his daughter Mary Hulteal does the honors. Martenus can to perceive the wake of Preston Macrinus therefore was not much time here, we also realize that most people in the city are under the spell that lets others know what they do. Drusilla does not lose the opportunity in this city to bring the beer to allow the monastery to close the chain with Hill's Edge. As soon as we are only Dhalam reveals that the bard of the room gave him a secret rendezvous at the old oak tree outside the city, then go to the oak. We learn that Zhent often go to this city to make them comfortable and she is one of the victims, we find that Preston Macrina and his torturer and who will return tonight per ulteriori violenze. Pensiamo che possa essere un’ottima esca ma che potremmo non essere pronti per affrontarlo così presto. Offriamo protezione a Emy Stoltel e la portiamo con noi a LightMenson in modo da poterla proteggere. Torniamo alla nostra città e scopriamo che Stark non è riuscito a portare indietro il giovane mago ma è riuscito ad attivare il portale in modo da portarti al Bosco del Serpente. Con la macchina degli gnomi andiamo sperando di trovare la sacerdotessa ma anche delle risorse che farebbero bene alle casse della città. Per evitare possibili attacchi decidiamo che il portare verrà aperto ogni ora in modo che possiamo comunicare con la città, ogni ora attraverso lo strumento di comunicazione di Ulrim faremo avere nostre notizie alla città, se dopo 6 ora si saranno persi i nostri contatti verrà mandata una squadra per recuperarci (o almeno tentare) ma questa volta facendo uso della caravella.