Sunday, December 12, 2010

The White Wolf Of Icicle

Mega Map

Yes, this is a topic that I wanted to prepare completely, I'm a huge fan of this fantastic game strategic for dating back to the PC far 1998 , And who happens to distance 12 long years, now you can find FREE on the Internet and download it to your FREE COMPUTER .
The beauty of this game is that it's all virtual, well designed, well-structured environment after a hypothetical World War III, and coincidentally the very year 2100. Unfortunately has some malfunction, I noticed that if you do not have completely clean from any PC SPYWARE , the game may crash and inexplicably reset itself alone, to return to Windows , which .. as it is damn annoying.

However, there are ways and ways to ensure that the game will not suddenly blocks one of the many is to use a good free spyware, scan your PC and clean all that by removing any spyware, a SOFTWARE really good that I would recommend is:
Ps. If interested click on Advance ..

I always recommend to keep the defragmented PC to run any computer game, also if you have a good Antivirus, scan PC at least once every three days, any VIRUS on your computer may cause the blockade and the failure of video games.

also provide the " SCANDISK " every time you introduce a new problem PC, type blocks sudden, unexplained continuous automatic restarts, and then other small problems with sudden shutdowns.
If your computer will not work no more, or reset itself suddenly and not come on for several minutes ( or even in the worst case scenario ) hours, you begin to consider bringing in repair by a technician, or possibly buying a new more sophisticated and modern.

That said, I continue to explain the game Warzone2100 . The game
WZ2100 is just fantastic, with the right mouse button is possible to rotate the whole game map to 360 degrees, even up and down until you see the horizon of the map with the left mouse button (mouse always ) or you can select a tank at a time, or by holding down the left mouse button you can drag four lines forming a square, and expand them to your liking to select armatini endless battle to be sent out in the area of \u200b\u200bexploration for the whole game.
The beauty of this game is not so much, but as much as it offers the possibility to download from the Internet in a multitude of highly detailed maps made by FAN around the world for inclusion in videogames Warzone2100 .

Unfortunately, what they never thought the FAN of this game is just the ability to create a MEGA MAP . The maps currently available are made 2 players, and players 4 8 players, but I would love a MEGA MAP da 64/100 o 500 giocatori .

Come ???

Non è impossibile e secondo me non è nemmeno necessario crearne di nuove, sempre secondo me la soluzione è già nelle mappe che sono state create, basta un minimo di creatività e il gioco è fatto.
Unire tutte quante le mappe da gioco in forma ASPIRALE ( partendo da quelle da 2 giocatori, per poi 4 ed infine 8 ) fino a creare un'unica GRANDE MAPPA , una MEGA MAPPA per moltissimi giocatori.
Fino ad ora un esperimento simile non è mai stato tentato da nessuno, in nessun gioco di Strategia esistente, ma credo che sia arrivato il momento di provare a creare una MEGA MAPPA in grado di supportare centinaia di giocatori dislocati per il mondo intero, sarà davvero un grande passo avanti per l'evoluzione di videogiochi strategici online oppure offline , quindi contro il computer.

L'unico problema è che per tentare una cosa del genere è indubbiamente essenziale sviluppare anche una PATCH molto sofisticata che corregga eventuali blocchi o BUG presenti nel gioco stesso.
Questo compito lo lasceremo agli Sviluppatori del gioco Originale che spero prendano in my account IDEA. I recall that on Another World 2022 is the " Copyright ", which means that everything I write, not only belongs to me and to others.
Any ideas Forum, Blog external This, Chat, Social Network , more .. by people who exposes this new , kindly please always quote the Original Author, "Andrea " Another World of 2022, do to ensure that people do not you take the on the merits ideas of others.

So this beautiful game to download from the internet completely FREEWARE can do at this address:

NOTE : Unfortunately I noticed that on that site Warzone 2100 there are a few game maps that are not working properly, have the BUG that do not go unnoticed, I kindly ask or correct or delete them permanently, and to pay more care in creating them.
This message is addressed to FAN , Programmers, Players WARZONE2100 .
report any problems on the discussion board of this game at:

last thing: the game is completely in English, There is much to discover in Warzone2100 , such as building structures, the design of combat units and the perimeter of the base defenses, as well as the implementation of anti-aircraft defense systems in the game itself.
But calm, do not have time to put me to list everything, then I leave you the opportunity to download and play the game for free " Tutorial" gives you a tip on how it works.
final word: beautiful game is in online multiplayer .

Regards to all



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