Tuesday, December 14, 2010

How Many Days Past Best By Date

FAITH helps to live

Salve a tutti, oggi vorrei parlare di un nuovo argomento, la Preghiera, la FEDE per chi crede in DIO aiuta a vivere la vita di tutti i giorni, soprattutto è un aiuto di speranza per le persone sole, povere , depresse ed esaurite psicologicamente o stressate, orfane e chi più ne ha più ne metta.
La Preghiera se unita ad un pensiero Positivo e Ottimistico una volta al day for a lifetime, helps greatly in overcoming various problems of social and emotional problems and interior, the FAITH and belief to the LORD is a ACE up its sleeve for those who aspire to a life spiritually and materially more harmonious and peaceful.

There are books that give information on the spiritual and material life, books that teach prayer and FAITH , especially books that give advice on how to face life every day.
course, if put into practice, these books can be a catalyst for addressing many problems that life places before, although I must admit that those who live a life pessimistic and negative, will hardly be able to be realized in the present and the future, even if it should read 10 000 books that explain how to get rich both within and materially, would still be .. always at zero.

should strive to live with a positive attitude, even if at times .. could be very hard , given that there are ups and downs for everyone. One day you are fine and one day is bad, it's normal part of life.
To live well, we should farsi un lavaggio di cervello di pensieri positivi e ottimistici , pregare e lavorare, divertirsi e cercare di non pensare alle cose tristi che ci fanno star male.
Mai sottovalutare il potere della mente, se usata bene , può farci vivere una vita decisamente più positiva, anche in vecchiaia.

Però è anche vero che chi sta male con la depressione e l'esaurimento , ( che sono riconosciute come vere e proprie malattie cliniche dalla psichiatria ) deve ricorrere ai ripari e curarsi sia psicologicamente che farmacologicamente . Perchè altrimenti would be quite impossible to leave it alone, despite all the goodwill that we can put in a try.

However, there are two ways to start the day in positive , every morning when you wake up and you get up from bed before going to the bathroom to shave and wash or otherwise before making preparations at home, dressing , have breakfast and again before going to work or study ... etc etc ...
each morning as you open your eyes let the sign of the Cross, then tell ( if you know it by heart, better ) the Father our voice to normal or low, however, is not to mind, as he compares better with words, because words are heard , while the mind is more easy to get distracted and forget, but you must not forget the prayer, you must learn to assimilate it into words, words still positive Love and Hope , as they are of course all the prayers written for Christians .

So in summary: every morning before the sign of the Cross, then recite the Our Father which art in heaven, at the end of prayer say Lord deliver us from all evils . Then after reciting the ' Hail Mary full of grace, even after saying this prayer: We fly to your protection O Holy Mother of God, despise not our petitions in our necessities of trial and deliver us from all dangers, O glorious and blessed Virgin. Amen.
then recited the 'Angel of God ( that is the guardian angel ) and finally' the eternal rest for the dead.

Always remember the words of Jesus Christ : Everything is possible for those who believe . Your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him! All I ask in my name he will grant.

means that after praying the Our Father, Hail Mary, the Angel of God, and eternal rest, you always say at the end of all the prayers you have said, these words: in the name of JESUS \u200b\u200bCHRIST or 'or JESUS' CHRIST ( as you want it short, it does not matter how you invoke him by name ) In the name of Christ ask the help of God, Mary, The Guardian Angel for a life more positive and optimistic and always meet nice people that they can send me Love and Friendship ( then if you wish, you can add other things that you certainly have to ask ) help in the work and lives of every day, helping me to feel less alone / a , to remove all the evils to be near me, to live a good day.
at the end after having prayed to end the prayer say, " making you the sign of the Cross "

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning is now and always forever and ever. Amen. Repeat again the Sign of the Cross, saying only: In the Name of the Father e del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo. Amen.

Dopo aver Pregato, il secondo modo per iniziare la giornata in Positivo è il seguente:
Parole Positive da leggere almeno un paio di volte a voce normale tutte le mattine prima di iniziare la giornata.
Il successo è assicurato, la positività anche, l'Ottimismo idem. Queste che leggerete sono parole appositamente studiate per mettere il buon umore, le udii la prima volta ad un meeting dell' Herbalife , quando ci lavoravo Attivamente, ad un corso di Formazione dove chi spiegava era un ragazzo laureato in Filosofia , e che time ( certainly now have a career in Herbalife ) was already at the level of "Million Team", was very close to the level of " Presidet 's Team", ie President of Herbalife International.
However, the words to read and to ensure the effectiveness are:

EVERY DAY THAT GOES TO BECOME INCREASINGLY BRAVO address what happens to me as a unique and unrepeatable PRECIOUS outstanding opportunities for personal growth that give me LIFE.

Words that Work and mettono il Buon Umore, tutte le mattine dopo aver Pregato ditele a voce per un paio di volte, a voce si assimilano meglio. Bene.. come vi sentite ???
Adesso potete alzarvi dal letto e iniziare la giornata lavorativa normalmente.

La sera prima di andare a dormire ricordatevi di recitare almeno il Padre Nostro e stop , e poi a nanna.

Libri che consiglio di leggere sono:
( Cliccate sopra i titoli sottolineati )

  1. THE JOURNEY OF LIFE ( Psychology and personality )
  2. CHANGE ; ( Psychology )
  3. Necklace: Albisetti Valerio , (Psychology )
  4. KINGDOM OF HAPPINESS '           ( Psicologia )
  5. THE OPUS                                                  ( Psicologia )
  6. Collana di Psicologia                               ( Psicologia )
  7. LA LEGGE DI ATTRAZIONE           (Positive Thinking )
  8. THE SCIENCE OF STAR BENE ( Positive Thinking )
  9. negative influences ( Positive Thinking )
  10. THE WONDERS OF POSITIVE THINKING ( Positive Thinking )

And that's it, I highly recommend reading and putting into practice these wonderful books that teach positive life, I recommend never underestimate the power of Psychology and Positive Thinking .

positive thinking and the best solution to not fall victims of negativity '

LIVING WITH PSYCHOLOGY AND 'The Most' meaning that there



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