Thursday, June 24, 2010

Manual Miniexcavator Jcb

Snake Hill's Edge Comp Orp

After a restless night we will have a secret meeting of all senior levels of the city. The news is not the best, in fact the money for the reconstruction of the city are already running out in a week and we will not be able to pay the army with all the problems of the case. Dalham announced that the city of dragons have been sighted in particular metallic dragons, particularly in the area of \u200b\u200bthe market, this spit from Valentin to talk about his misadventure in the night. In fact, while the champion was returning to his home was attacked by Daudhir, was much affected by the death of his dragon and says that he thinks the ambassadors are simply metallic dragons, and that if they are not driven out the agreement with them is to be considered zero.

Drusilla also has a story not of the best we had dominated the priestess addressed in the tower ran Nerul, dal tempio di Lathander dove era custodita per rimuovere la dominazione. Dovrebbe essere nel bosco dei serpenti e potrebbe essere un grosso pericolo per Tortusga ma soprattutto per LightMansion. A questo si aggiunge un altra informazione di Dahlam sembra che Maruk l’arguto sia sempre meno affidabile inoltre sempre più spesso passa il tempo nei pressi delle colline a sud est della zona.

Arriva il vice di Ulrim con molta insistenza chiede di parlare con il mago, quando torna Ulrim ci rivela che nella torre della magia è stato trovato, molto ben nascosto, un portale celestiale e che uno dei sui maghi è stato risucchiato all’interno dopo un’attivazione accidentale. Stark ci dice che ci vogliono delle conoscenze celestiali per attivarlo properly and that he thought they were all destroyed by Zhent. In fact, the portals can be used to move in different places, so I think that could be used to attack them. Latest information is that the bard in the north of our city for the accuracy of Hill's Edge (new transit point of caravans Zhent) a group of gnomes has created a machine that can identify minerals including metals surely. We must decide how to operate and after a vote we decided to go to Hill's Edge. We also use this time to the caravel, of course we stopped outside the city so that we do not see. We enter and immediately encounter what appears to be a poor man who asks us a gold coin as a charge to enter. We understand that this is a blatant scam and refuse to pay, our crook does not fuss and walks away. We go to a tavern that hardly seems to be one of the best frequented by the poorer class. There we find that the population is not at all happy with the presence of Zhent even if only in passing, also all the gnomes were driven from the city and took refuge in Orp Comp. Drusilla the inn is also proposed to use a beer brewed by the monks of LightMansion guild, we can not bring beer directly to Hill's Edge, but you can fulfill Orp which is halfway. At this point we decide to go in the city of Comp Orp, them we are greeted by a group of children who turn out to be the children of the Dundast Hulteal Singoria the city. We are now led by his father who turns out to be very friendly, also is fond of horses of all kinds, in fact it straddles a rare zebra. It gives us something to drink in the tavern "La Taverna del Ponte Background" revealed to him that we would like to speak with the community of gnomes and tells us that most of them located in an area near the tavern. Some of us are aware of something strange, as if all the shares of Dundanst were checked and all he hears and sees is itself known to others. The tavern is Dhalam Martenus that are affected by the bard that is entertaining bystander. The lord of the city insists to accompany the gnomes, they too seem very hospitable and offer us more beer and food, beer and yet still accept the lure of food, we leverage on the curiosity of Dundast to go away with him Dhalam, and Drusilla Valentin others remain with the gnomes or Martenus, Ulrim, Shamil, KGM. Manage to have our friends in the car because we want to use it against Zhent, since they have made two prototypes there an injury. Meanwhile, other visitors to the collection of mounts Hulteal, Veniano achieved by other members and at this point the Lord invites us to eat with him, his daughter Mary Hulteal does the honors. Martenus can to perceive the wake of Preston Macrinus therefore was not much time here, we also realize that most people in the city are under the spell that lets others know what they do. Drusilla does not lose the opportunity in this city to bring the beer to allow the monastery to close the chain with Hill's Edge. As soon as we are only Dhalam reveals that the bard of the room gave him a secret rendezvous at the old oak tree outside the city, then go to the oak. We learn that Zhent often go to this city to make them comfortable and she is one of the victims, we find that Preston Macrina and his torturer and who will return tonight per ulteriori violenze. Pensiamo che possa essere un’ottima esca ma che potremmo non essere pronti per affrontarlo così presto. Offriamo protezione a Emy Stoltel e la portiamo con noi a LightMenson in modo da poterla proteggere. Torniamo alla nostra città e scopriamo che Stark non è riuscito a portare indietro il giovane mago ma è riuscito ad attivare il portale in modo da portarti al Bosco del Serpente. Con la macchina degli gnomi andiamo sperando di trovare la sacerdotessa ma anche delle risorse che farebbero bene alle casse della città. Per evitare possibili attacchi decidiamo che il portare verrà aperto ogni ora in modo che possiamo comunicare con la città, ogni ora attraverso lo strumento di comunicazione di Ulrim faremo avere nostre notizie alla città, se dopo 6 ora si saranno persi i nostri contatti verrà mandata una squadra per recuperarci (o almeno tentare) ma questa volta facendo uso della caravella.


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