Friday, November 12, 2010

Imagine Baby Club Maracas

The Beauty of Music Beauty

Hello, today I would like to talk about MUSIC , the music that warms the heart, music that makes you feel good, music that makes you enjoy the music that makes you sing, the music that makes you dance, the music that makes you smile, music that makes you .. good for you, like music therapy, and because the subject today is just music, here I am ready to talk about this wonderful thing on my blog Another World 2022.

Unfortunately today in our country face Italian groups (let's face it openly ) of shit, bands who do not know what it means to create, manage and make real great music and both Italian and foreign. Fortunately there are still people who despite their innate talent in playing a musical instrument and composing beautiful words without transcending in TRASH , these TALENTS thanking God Almighty certainly not lacking in our beautiful but (at the same time ) ugly country forgotten by God . Indeed .. I will say more, in addition to being surrounded by real bands MERDESCHI , these (some ) true talent, have the power to make a beautiful song to the ears of our good and beloved country of origin. What that new groups of today who so scrupulously follow the hours adolescents of this generation, and that just today's teens display a modo di vestirsi da far ridere anche al più scemo di tutti gli scemi in circolazione, fissati dalla moda che questi gruppi musicali trasmettono ai giovani di oggi, orecchini al naso, piercing, tatuaggi, le ragazzine col culo di fuori, poi soprattutto quando stanno sedute gli si vedono i Jeans che calano senza " cinta " fino a mostrare il loro sedere " provocante " agli uomini e donne che passano davanti a loro, una moda che sta facendo il suo corso ( a mio avviso negativo ) Trash , e che ascoltano musica di merda , diciamocela tutta.. poveri noi.... bèh..!!! dicevo, cosa che i nuovi gruppi di oggi non riescono proprio a regalare these strong emotions of musical melody and true MUSIC .

To prove what I say about the quality of MUSIC in Italy in the World, ( but the real music and not the crap of these new groups MERDESCHI in circulation now, which are not I want to name names ) public 10 music videos taken from "youtube " of some of the music of excellent quality and exquisite workmanship, which still runs in the world, giving plays to no end.

Just to start, how not to mention the famous and never forgotten Iron Maiden ?

And Famous Pino Scotto , the fantastic Italian rocker everything that makes true music?

But if this is still not for you to follow me, then you can not miss a fantastic piece of rocker
Richard Benson all Italian musician with his electric guitar that handles like a pro. The videos below.

Even if the music goes back a long time ago, is still a band that made history, remember the famous and timeless Pink Floyd ??

And just for a moment to move from Rock to other music, I could not not to mention the magnificent VANGELIS , originally GREEK which created fantastic Soundtrack also and especially for movies that came out to the movies.
For example, the soundtrack to "Blade Runner " made her own VANGELIS .

Let's move somewhere else for a moment, how do you not mention the exceptional musician, singer Alan Parson ?
Chi non si ricorda il suo Album Alan Parson Project !!! " TIME ".

Non potevano in questo elenco di video Musicali mancare i fantastici " Queen " il Cantante GAY Freddie Mercury , che faceva della buona e bella musica, apprezzato in tutto il mondo e famosissimo per il suo talento musicalmente artistico. Ricordando un suo video qui sotto.

BeeGees or the well-known band of the past years and still have not yet gone out of fashion, fans from around the world continue to hear their beautiful songs and romantic, the BeeGees are timeless, this band can not and must not be forgotten, because this is the case that music is real quality , music to listen and to dream with this piece:

But how can we forget the group of The Beatles ?
Impossible to forget, but only to listen to many many times again, to remember those times that many people still can not just forget. The past is better than the music could have just remembered the years of The Beatles .

Of Prophilax the only piece that I appreciate beautiful and has done very successfully is just Get on the radio with BEEP .
Then for all other parts of this gruppo musicale sono apprezzati solo da quelli che amano seguire questa Band . Ma non da tutti, ovviamente.

Con questo è tutto, ci vediamo al prossimo post Amici, un caro saluto da me, Andrea.



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