Sunday, November 21, 2010

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Hello, today I would like to talk and discuss a new topic, " LITERATURE . I suggest some books to buy online library FELTRINELLI . The books that I recommend today are six in all, and talk about how increasing wealth, income and money with the system of meta-physics, quantum physics, the desirability and science, you can earn, it is impossible to fail, especially if put into practice, these books can bring great benefits to the reader or the reader.

Meanwhile council to begin: The Science of Getting RICH ( Board click on the underlined titles to land in which I will write Feltrinelli) by Wallace D. Wattles , writer and author of two other books, died in 1910 in America. This is a book that, if put into practice can lead to gain from immediately, especially if you need immediate cash to live the life. Especially if you are unemployed and / or insecure, or if you have a job that you are not happy and want to expand your knowledge in the meta-physics and science gain. It is important that you follow to the letter what is written in the book and be able to 100% of cases, to live a good life with dignity. Perhaps speak of wealth on the spot and dare I say impossible, but with time and patience, slowly, able to become truly wealthy. It is important not to lose heart and keep on going head-on, despite the difficulties that life separates us before.

Another book by the same author Wallace D. Wattles that I would advise those present and invited readers to view it, is: THE LAW OF ATTRACTION . This is a book that I highly recommend to read after reading The Science of Getting Rich , the law of attraction explains why there are people who get everything they want from life, while others fail to achieve their desires. This book explains the method to become experts in attracting the world around us, through science and knowledge, positivity and the right words, the whole being implemented together with the previous book I mentioned, this on the law of attraction can become a good catalyst for acquiring POWER AWARENESS and to address any situation in life everyday.
Ps. And even if it is not so, at least it's always something more to learn in the field of intellectuality.

The third book that I would always recommend the same author "Wallace D. Wattles " entitled:
THE SCIENCE OF STAR BENE . In this book ( I recommend you read the previous two after I reported ) it the scienza dello star bene , Wattles ci fornisce utili consigli per salvaguardare la salute, adottando un nuovo modo di pensare che ci aiuti ad attirarla e a preservarla: come nelle medicine orientali è importante curare la mente adottando il giusto modo di pensare e di relazionarci alla salute piuttosto che curare i sintomi delle malattie.
Ps. Un gran bel libro, anche se non dovesse funzionare.. è sempre qualcosa in più da sapere nel campo dell'intellettualità.

Nel quarto libro che vorrei consigliare di leggere trattasi di " FISICA " ( ovviamente non ginnastica, ma la vera FISICA che si studia all'università ) che spiega i fondamenti scientifici nel acquisire Potere e Consapevolezza, proprio come " la legge di attrazione " di " Wallace D. Wattles ", con la differenza però che questo libro è scritto dal " Dottor. Bartlett Richard " dal titolo: LA FISICA DEI MIRACOLI . Straordinario libro assolutamente da leggere, che trasporterà il lettore guidandolo e facendolo accedere a condizioni di coscienza alterata e consapevolezza accresciuta in momenti diversi – fondamentalmente attraverso il viaggio nel tempo.
Per ulteriori informazioni, invito a cliccare sopra il titolo sottolineato in rosso.

In the fifth book that I highly recommend reading is called: THE SCIENCE AND MIRACLES is a beautiful reading this book and I guarantee you'll open your mind in all aspects of life in general.
Religion and science for the first time together on this fantastic and very interesting book to buy to feed the mind with the culture and information.
Ps. Even if you do not believe, it is always something more to learn in the field of intellectuality.

In the sixth book, and then the last, still on PHYSICS , but this time contemporary advice:
FLYING FROGS AND OTHER MAGIC - a fascinating read, a book not only to read but also to learn. Experienced firsthand the events during the experiments of magnetic levitation of frogs and other living things to the many topics dealt with for the magazine "Focus", Andrea Parlangeli addresses many of the most fascinating and debated topics of contemporary physics.

And this is all dear friends, I highly recommend to take into strong consideration the idea of \u200b\u200bbuying one of these wonderful books online science, physics, meta-physics religion and magic, all explained through science, books not to be missed. Click on the underlined headings in capital letters, and arrive in the biggest library " FELTRINELLI " online. Buy online at great prices to nourish your mind with culture and information. See you all next time.



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