Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hemroid Harry's France

Dragons blue Lightmansion

We are all invited to participate in the new city council, we note that there is also "mad" that now has a less noble title and is the rebels who have done so much to liberate the city.

After the most routine of a council is made smaller than where we are the king and the nobles, the merchants' guild and the guild of the caravels. The reason for this Council is restricted in the decision for the future of the city because the rebellion and the presence of Zhent left banks Lightmasion quite weak and requires the reconstruction money.

This requires, inter alia, to a flourishing trade in this difficulty comes from the city of Berdusc which is located west of Lightmansion, the current ruler Lady Ciliria entered in the 'Covenant of the Lord "a group of city state have come together to join forces, the members of this alliance are close to Harper a group of nobles to "very exclusivity.

Another idea for the business comes from the region that is located in Ann south, the main city is catla which alone has twice the population in all the western lands, the economy of this city is heavily focused on trade. Finally to the north is the city of Ilseg at this time although it is not in the hands of Zhent is on their trade routes. It is said that the north of this region is present the well of the dragons where they go when they are near death. After evaluating the possibility of the city you plan to go with a caravel Berdusc steering wheel to tighten the strong commercial relationship and highlight how Lightmansion is the only city that can have the caravels as a means of transport. After this

decision is made to enter a guest, you immediately notice something strange has a blue color and with a tail, his clothing is rather simple fact alone has almost a kind of leather skirt. It's called Daudhir, first thing is to compliment Valentin for his action during the battle that led to the liberation of the city. In fact it is the dragon who was wounded during the battle and is to make a proposal, they do not want the "mother" remains under control without the silver dragons, and then ask the city to accept the presence of blue dragons so that, as they did in the past, they can control their opponents. Otherwise exploit their superior numbers to attack the city of Tortusga to control it and with her mother. After consultation with members from outside the city (the king of Tortusga of Myth and Lady Asadu) think it is necessary to accept. The return of the dragon and Stark Dalham can bargain with the dragon so greedy of money for each of the dragons to be found in the city (typically 15), we also give an explicit aid in your quest to free the trade route controlled by the Zhent.


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