Friday, March 5, 2010

Brent Corrigan Free Movie


After winning back our Tortusga with all the honors, using a parade float for the grand entrance into the city.

Obviously, the first destination is the king and then we go into the throne room, shortly after also comes with Shamil Zoltan la quale è ancora priva di coscienza ma ormai fuori pericolo.

Ci vuole poco però a rovinare l’armonia, infatti scopriamo che tutte le prove indichino Ulrim come l’assassino degli gnomi. Ovviamente dopo che il mago aveva rivelato della presenza di un’entità nel suo corpo che ne prende il controllo. C’è una lunga discussione in cui viene messa in evidenza la missione segreta per conto di Kyr per prendere degli oggetti (uno scettro ed una pietra) che possono essere usati per contrastare più efficacemente gli Zent. Alla fine Maruk viene messo in difficoltà perché riusciamo a dimostrare che le sue accuse non sono precise, infatti nonostante non ci siano magie di dominazione su Ulrim dimostriamo che c’è a presence which takes control, this presence is trying to exterminate the gnomes. At this point turns out to be, says his name and be a Tulek Illumian Sanguinara that belong to the area of \u200b\u200bthe Cabala to be superior to us and that was incarnate in the body of the gnomes for failing to challenge the only way that has to go back is that there are no more gnomes in which he can reincarnation. Obviously, there does not seem to deal with inferiority and believe that we can help. Driven by the desire to help the magician we can discover these "evolved humans" of the Kabbalah are quite hard to spot, thanks in particular to Dalam we realize that there may be Altocielo Stark help.

LightMansion We decide to go, just got to the king of the bard says "lead us through the haze of the clouds" we are immediately attacked by the king to accuse us of being fiends. After Valentin stopped abruptly in the young Valer and a brief battle Dalam discover that without knowing a word of command has used to dominate the server that celestial being who is Stark. They speak with the king we find that we are looking for what should be the hybrids of beings who are trying to elect a celestial but who have not yet achieved even the minimum level and therefore are hybrids between human beings and celestial. It tells us that the place where we can get more information Empyrean is a cloud (the equivalent of a city) Celestia his land, he can get us there but we must be careful because if we turn loose our physicality we have to be to move them little time or little time because there and space are reversed with respect to ground. We should now explain our problem in this way we get help and to say we came up with his good ceremony. In one room there is a real special door made of "fog" that will lead us in a cloud of Empyrean. Drusilla must wait until tomorrow to do the spell of "Heavenly still" in order to facilitate our return. Arriva a palazzo “La Pazza” che è diventata il nuovo capo dei ribelli, infatti vuole che i ribelli abbiano una rappresentanza ufficiale nella città cosa che gli viene negata, intercediamo con il re che ovviamente fa notare che loro non sono nobili e che quindi non posso essere ammessi nell’amministrazione della città, riusciamo a convincerlo nel cercare una possibile soluzione. A questo punto Lady Asaku decide che possiamo proseguire da soli e se ne va, l’occhio acuto di Drusilla si accorge che ha lasciato dietro di se una scaglia che ci permetterà di comunicare telepaticamente con lei.

Il giorno dopo andiamo e Dalam sembra avere un problema, grazie a Valentin riesce a riportare il bardo nel piano celestiale ma must once again stop the exuberance of his pupil. After a long road we arrive at some sort of big cloud where all lose our physicality and discover that we have entered the Empyrean the lowest layer of the celestial plane. Here one of them comes to us to illustrate our problem, appreciate our sincerity, but tells us that we request a meeting with the supreme found on the top floor. We are hesitant because it goes against the advice he has given us Stark, speaking discover that they call the heavy hybrid and that of course are at the lowest level, go down and we start talking with one of them seems suspicious that at the end we can do in order to help us, come Drusilla's body and brings us back to earth in the city of LightMansion, until we discover that the afterlife is called Cherrea and that in the past has been the director of the eyes of the Cabal!!

We are brought before a shop, it takes a little because we are recognized as the heroes who liberated the city from Zhent and we dealt with all the honors. We enter the back of the store and notice the strange decorations in the shape of the chain, we find that with a little touch the chain materializes like a port of fog. We go in front of us has a tunnel about 20 km, with each step change Ulrim expect more and more resemble the creature that he had described, or that of a Illumian. Tulek quindi sembra prendere il controllo si dice stupito della velocità con cui abbiamo trovato l’accesso per portarlo a casa ma che non servirà a nulla e ci cancelleranno la memoria!!!!


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