Thursday, March 11, 2010

Getting A Career In Prosthetic Make-up

cabal chains

On the way we see that the walls of the tunnel are not well defined, appear in the same fog that we have seen to enter the celestial plane. Indeed, it appears that these walls can lead us to another place, another dimension that we know not where, it is important that we do not enter contact with them.

After about five hours we reach the end of the tunnel, we end up in a room 6 meters by 6 meters, seems made of hard earth and all the walls are carved glyphs. Ulrim now no longer has the appearance but it is clear now is that the appearance of Tuler, which makes a deep breath. Korrea tells us that this is the sigh of nostalgia Tuler power that he had when he was in the Kabala, before being exiled. After a while we realize that there are no other exits or entrances, rather it is present at all!

glyphs are 6 but repeated many times all over the walls of the room, it seems that the darkest part is a kind of liquid, Tuler speaks of what for them is un dio Tarnoid che dovrebbe essere il primo della loro razzo oggi asceso (o morto) il quale ha trovato una formula per creare con il suo sangue quella sostanza che ha permesso loro di evolversi ma che oggi non è più riproducibile. Il tempo passa e cerchiamo di fare di tutto per uscire da questa specie di stanza senza ottenere risultati, Korrea ci dice che quando lei era nella Cabala le persone potevano entrare solo se superavano una prova, si trattava di una prova di intelligenza del tutto diversa sa quella che sembra noi stiamo affrontando. Sembrano passare dei giorni abbiamo fame, agli uomini cresce la barba e dobbiamo anche liberarci dei nostri escrementi ma non sappiamo come fare. Questo ed i tentativi dei paladini portano dei danni ai glifi con sommo dispiacere degli Illumian who consider them sacred. After what seemed like two days appears to be a door, we enter the room there is a thin, we find what looks like a woman of the same kind of Tuler albeit with a darker color like brown, is called Zhaolei and tells us that We passed the first test is to wait for 2 days. When we do that we had no alternative, we are told that others have come to commit suicide before the end of two days. We tell you why we are there and we understand that the move to kill the gnomes was an initiative of Tuler and that contrary to what he believed was not just frowned upon. But still do not know whether to believe and we must superare una seconda prova, Tuler viene separato da Ulrim e procediamo in un’altra stanza. Si tratta di una prova di astuzia e fedeltà, nella stanza ci aspetta il sanguinario Mulao, capiamo che sanguinario è un titolo in questa cabala. La prova consiste nell’indovinare uno dei 6 glifi che lui ha pensato facendo solamente 3 domande. Abbiamo conosciuto 3 membri della cabala e sappiamo che hanno 3 parole del potere diverse composte da 2 glifi ognuna e non ne hanno in comune. Quelli di Zhaolei e Mulao sono visibili sopra le loro teste mentre quello di Tuler lo abbiamo scoperto nei 2 giorni di attesa quando ci ha insegnato la pronuncia dei glifi e dicendo la sua parola di potere si è infuriato. Per gli Illumian questi glifi sono sacri e quindi Korrea ci suggerisce not to treat them as mere objects or words. We decide carefully how to formulate questions and use the words of power to make only 3 questions. We find the glyph designed by Mula but it tells us that we have passed only half of the test in fact had asked someone else we did not pass that loyalty at this point reveals that he had helped Korrea, still remember her in the Cabala, in fact it is rising is held in high regard, his speech convinces mule that we were infidels. We have passed the tests and we find ourselves in the shop of hides dazed and very vague memories we feel we have accomplished the mission without remembering how! Tuler seems to be still in the body but with a Ulrim new spirit. At this point some of us made a purchase in the store and head to the king. They ask us if we want our intention or not to accept his proposal, after again interceded for rebels decide to accept. Drusilla will manage the temple of Lathander, the sister should restore the temple of punches Ilmater corrupted by blacks. Valentin is the new head of the guard, the guild of magicians and Ulrim Dalam will have the task of finding information and prevent the events, but this seems to be an activity that will also Tortusga. Finally Martenus will create a new kind of guild to promote the powers of "demonic" for non-evil as he does. Valer Asks to be the captain of the guard of this new guild.


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