Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How To Shrink Cardigans


Straight from the pen of good Valentin, here is the summary of the last game!


we are summoned, in fact McGlamun Lucien came to the palace to warn that the first caravels is ready for launch!

Prepare the first diplomatic mission aimed at Berdush, our group on the ship go up with the now inseparable Scamil, Moserat (Chancellor of the great temple of ghostly city) which is a druid, luciente, the head of the guild merchants (KGM) and 2 guards. After a short, compared to a normal caravan journey to get to the city, is clearly a city where magic is very important, as the entrance door is magically protected and dominated by 7 of the symbols that appear Sciriuchen it is the symbol of the Mistra magical deity par excellence. To avoid problems, we leave the caravel outside the city and a delegation down to enter. On the ship to guard luciente are the champions and, in fact we do not expect un atteggiamento ostile nei nostri confronti. All’entrata dopo aver detto lo scopo della nostra visita ci viene detto che saremo ricevuti da Fentran, veniamo portati al suo palazzo, lo stregone che ci accompagna ci dice che si tratta del vice di Lady Sirilia Dragon Beast la reggente della città. Appena arrivati Martenus fa una strana battuta con un riferimento al palazzo di Tortusga che non viene presa proprio bene ne dal paladino ne la chierica sono molto contenti di sentire riferimenti alla città nascosta. All’interno veniamo fatti accomodare in un grande salone dominato dal simbolo completo di Mistra illuminato magicamente a ribadire la fede della città. Dopo un po’ di attesa ci rendiamo conto che nella stanza è presente un persona che si is rendered invisible magic but when you realize you have been identified and made visible Fentran tells us to be, it seems aggressive and asks us what our real intentions behind the guise of diplomatic visit. We expected a better reception, but we immediately put to the test, we try to convince him that we do not have ulterior motives and it seems that we succeed. At this point we are magically transported to the presence of Lady siril, now it seems that the situation has improved despite the distrust of business relations we can tighten our caravels in particular seem very interested. The misunderstanding and mistrust seems to be due to a message arrived in the city that meant coming up with our second purpose is therefore to be careful, Dhalam can be said that the message seems to come from our own towns and thus worthy of consideration for them. Our mission leads to the request of Lady siril Straka to go in the guild of Harper, in fact they are not very accustomed to forge relationships with those outside the guild. Also to give a demonstration of our we going to the old temple of Lathander with the caravel, of course Lady siril together with his deputy. During the trip Ulrim makes a bet with the regent, is content to steal a book in the library of the city (obviously jealously guarded) the book was chosen by siril so it is sure of its originality. The magician succeeds in Surprisingly, the regent, leaving his business to discover that the author of the book is given to Ulrim. It seems that we were preceded here in fact we expected to find one of the relics of Lathander but it seems a strange halfling has arrived it has taken to saying that he would direct Amn to the south. The guy looks pretty young and said to be relics of a hunter, not being a relic important for them as they did not worship Lathander particular objections. We stay for the night in the city and we are offered the dinner of course all seasoned with a lot of magic. The city seems to have been attacked by agents and between Zhent Macrim Preston have launched a trail magic on them to see if you close again, this Martenus knew managed to get to a stone that may indicate its presence, of course, the scope is limited. Moserat discovered among other things about a moon ago was awakened a divine power which was then taken away, possibly to coincide with the taking of the relic? By the same person? It was really just a relic hunter?

Ulrim would like to strengthen his guild, and then calls the possibility of having an exchange of books, this has given a lukewarm response to their fact books are imported and very still do not trust us so completely prefer for now to wait and see how evolve the relationship between the two cities. To this will end with us and PYLL Gret Nedit husband and wife with the task of establishing diplomatic relations and to check that we are not different from what we said. We hope that the dragons are able to be discreet otherwise the relationship may degenerate.


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