Saturday, March 5, 2011

Portable Pretty Good Solitaire


The film stars Natalie Portman in the role of Nina an ambitious young dancer in New York Hunting the double role that everyone dreams: the White Swan, gentle and innocent, and the Black Swan, which gives off a seductive evil, in the classic The Swan Lake, which can turn an unknown into a star. Nina manages to get the role, but is not sure she could embody the dark side of the Swan Queen. While reaching new heights with his body, nightmares, fantasies and jealousies began to emerge that hides in a deep way, causing a dangerous confrontation with a provocative new arrival, Lily (Mila Kunis), which is his greatest rival. Nina quickly goes down too well in the role of the evil and deadly Black Swan ...

No, I did not like ... Great interpretation of Natalie Portman, who has rightly earned him the Oscar, but for the resto l'ho trovato eccessivo.
Partiamo con il chiarire che quello della danza è poco più di un pretesto, per una storia che c'entra poco con la danza e molto con problemi legati alla personalità, al rapporto con se stessi, con gli altri, con il mondo, con le proprie paure e aspirazioni. L'ho trovato piuttosto scontato, il finale era decisamente telefonato, al punto che l'avevo intuito già dopo un quarto d'ora di film; per non parlare della solita storia della ballerina schiacciata dalla sua stessa passione, dal coreografo-tiranno, dalla rivalità con le altre ballerine.... uff!
Il resto del film procede tra autolesionismo, visioni, autoerotismo, baci saffici.... pesante, heavy, if the only intent was to create "anxiety", the result is better ... but at this point I was going to see a thriller!
mouth ... Probably not my thing, and then malfunctions can not appreciate it: I know is that we were leaving the cinema (yes, I was not the only one not to like it!) So "proven" to have the irresistible desire to enter in another room to watch any movie for children! So, just to balance a bit!

Three have died. Who is Number Four? DJ Caruso directs an action-packed thriller about the history of an amazing guy, John Smith (Alex Pettyfer), in flight from ruthless enemies sent to annihilate him. Change identity, move to city in the city with its look Henri (Timothy Olyphant), John is always a new guy with no connection to the past. In the small town in Ohio who now calls home, John goes to meet unexpected events that change his life: his first love (Dianna Agron), new powers and a bond with others with which it shares the same incredible destiny.
seen after reading the book. A nice movie, without being pretentious. The book I quite liked the film and so, obviously if it differs in part, but that does not bother me, indeed, in the first part I found it even better than the novel, that in this part is a bit slow.
film about aliens, aliens who live among humans, feelings and the need for roots, with plenty of action in the finale, which, however, that, yes, I found less successful and , perhaps a bit hasty, the novel was able to communicate much more pathos.
Obviously this is a film that leaves the door open for more. Recommended for those who do not expect from a movie too, but he wants to pass a 'Oretta and a half hours of entertainment without asking any questions or address the lack of credibility of some steps!


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