Friday, March 4, 2011

Cruising Spots Manhattan

I saw in the theater tableaux vivants of the Countess

I just read a book about his life and admit that the character of the Countess of Castiglione fascinates me . I was particularly struck by the amount of photographs relating to him, was evidently aware of his great charm (and how to blame her!). The tableaux vivants
, in particular, are genre scenes or historical reconstructions with educational or edifying intent, but sometimes erotic, obtained pose models and extras. Photography is in questo molto vicina al teatro, che ne aveva fatto uso sia nel teatro liturgico che in quello profano.
I tableaux sono cosa diversa dal mettere in posa un soggetto per il tempo necessario a riprenderlo, chiedendogli di assumere posture o atteggiamenti; qui i soggetti, spesso in costume, interpretano una parte, secondo una sorta di sceneggiatura.

Continua a leggere..


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