Saturday, March 12, 2011

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Louis Léopold Boilly

Louis Léopold Boilly, pittore e litografo francese, nasce a La Bassée il 5 luglio 1761.
Noto per le sue scene di genere di vita parigina e della società durante la Rivoluzione e l'Impero francese, è noto anche per il suo uso pionieristico della litografia.

Figlio di un intagliatore del legno è allievo di Charles-Alexandre-Joseph Caullet, pittore e insegnante nell’Accademia di Douai, si interessa al trompe-l'œil con Dominique Doncre prima di stabilirsi a Parigi nel 1785, dove inizia a dipingere immagini dettagliate ed aneddotica di scene come erano di moda a Parigi e a dipingere ritratti.
From 1789 to 1791 is running a series of paintings for the collector Avignon Esprit-Claude-François Calvet sentimental style similar to that of Greuze and Fragonard, a genre painter and enriched with details precision of the Dutch masters of the seventeenth century, which has a good collection.

Louis Léopold Boilly began to exhibit at the Salon in 1791, are paintings with portraits, Trompes œil and erotic themes and even gallant, and to avoid a complaint of obscenity and win the sympathy of the new republican regime, in 1794 he painted The Triumph of Marat, winning the revolutionary leader Jean-Paul Marat.
Nel corso dei seguenti 40 anni, Boilly dipinge un gran numero di opere raffiguranti gli aspetti più disparati della vita quotidiana a Parigi, eseguite con minuzia di dettagli, che sono ancor oggi un documento del costume dell’epoca.

Abile anche nella realizzazione di scene di massa, come Raduno di artisti nello Studio di Isabey (1798),
L' arrivo della Stagecoach (1803), Lo Studio di Houdon (1804) e Partenza dei Coscritti (1808).
Ottiene parecchi riconoscimenti pubblici: Medaglia d’oro nel Salon del 1804, Cavaliere della Legion Honour, Member of the Institut de France.
In 1833, he produced his first lithographs, a series of humorous sketches entitled grimace.

Louis Léopold Boilly died in Paris January 4, 1845 leaving about 500 paintings by some 5,000 small portraits and genre. Even his sons Julien Léopold (1796-1874), Édouard (1799-1854) and Léopold Alphonse (1801-1867), were painters, although less successful father.

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It seems to go out of fashion .. but what a strange fashion. Working online

And already, the title is all to do it?
The topic I want to talk about today is what is going on for quite some time now in the network, especially among the most regular surfers chat, forum and perhaps Social Network Who knows!
Something is creeping slowly from where you started all this?
Where will it take place?
perhaps from erotic chat ?
Who knows, anything is possible and nothing is impossible. Una cosa è comunque certa, sui motori di ricerca non si trovano informazioni da nessuna parte dell'argomento in questione, ho provato a cercare opinioni di qualcuno, ma niente, nulla, non sa da fare , nessuno sa niente, o almeno nessuno e nessuna che voglia dirlo per mantenere la " Privacy " tra utenti delle chat , ma forse è meglio così se non si dice, almeno si evita uno scandalo.

La questione è semplice, ci sono persone che quando parlano in chat ( tipo messenger di msn, yahoo o skype, etc.. ) può capitare ( non tanto raramente, più che altro diciamo pure frequentemente. Questo dalle testimonianze di molte persone che mi sono capitate in chat ) che uno dei due o entrambi ( soprattutto se in CAM ) possa mostrare all'altro/a o reciprocamente la parte più intima del loro corpo. E cioè.. si, quella parte la, non la voglio menzionare,  per il momento, immaginate da soli.

Riconosco che è capitato anche a me, ma non sono mai andato oltre le conversazioni di chat, mai fatta una cosa del genere, mi sono sempre limitato solo a parlare e discutere con le donne in chat , in passato. Però ho notato che più passano i giorni, più si va avanti con gli anni e più much worse on the Internet, it may be to blame for this current government that is giving a bad image in this country??


And while it is true the proverb, who goes with the lame learns how to limp , and it seems that those who practice this what people online are also quite significant, ranging from doctors, lawyers, bank clerks, nurses and even much more .. even ordinary people and of course all thanks to the testimonies of people I spoke to a network, and that I have confessed that they have seen in CAM .
So CAM not just use it to get a trivial conversation, but unfortunately for virtual sex, or perhaps more than anything else to show off.
see from the evidence I've gathered, there are also many women who strip naked in CAM with msn messenger, yahoo , skype, etc. .. or just show her breasts or vagina, or other body parts like legs and arms or lower back, all depends on who is in front of them, if you know and especially if There feeling ( strange way to socialize ) and it seems that many women really like to observe / see / watch the attributes Moscow or erection of others, and the bad thing is that women who I went to fish in the net for him these questions are normal women, even married ( very sad thing that married women put themselves in CAM to watch birds, it is scandalous and shameful, I imagine those poor husbands who are unaware of all ) mica prostitutes or exhibitionist for a fee, this is shameful.
I can understand a girl or woman single, separated, divorced, widowed, but girlfriends are married, engaged to do these things seem to me a little SLUTS .

However it seems that really should be a fashion thing.
When was the NEWS ', then perhaps the time has become a REALITY' , then will be coming up the NOIA , and finally in 2011 , " today " = became NORMALITY ' such a thing. There's girls and women che non abbia visto almeno per una volta nella vita un " CAZZO " in CAM , ormai pare che sia diventata una cosa normale, non c'è più la sorpresa, ora tutte e tutti sanno tutto, non ci sono più segreti per nessuno, internet ha cambiato definitivamente la faccia dell'umanità, forse c'è stata troppa comunicazione, troppa libertà, troppo tutto, e tutto questo probabilmente avrà cambiato definitivamente la mentalità delle persone, indifferentemente che siano uomini e/o donne. 

Non c'è più gusto neppure nel conoscersi, tanto che senso ha incontrarsi al di fuori della chat se tanto le donne and people already know what to expect?
So now you have already trusted and known all, have also shown the fuck with balls, big, small, long, short, how important could ever have? so however things go, at the time of the meeting, I do not think there is more than willing to meet and hang out more than anything else in my opinion (as I see it for ) physical attraction is only the first meeting and not love, then with time, say even for a short period of time you lose interest in the other, until the relationship ends completely, permanently and irreversible. This is not (always in my ) the way you know the people, to show hairy pussy or the bird is not the best way to begin a relationship and much less a relationship of love with each other sex, more than anything else after the novelty of it / looked at / a sopraggiungerà boredom, especially if you are miles and miles of miles away and there you will find not even a fucking , all will end with saws, some sketches and stop, then we will feel more frightened than before.

SEX do not look, DO .. THAT ' OTHER

The last girl that happened to me chatting on a dating site free online, I asked her if she had something like this happened in CAM , the answer was obviously positive ( eh ... you'll understand, I had to wait ) and in fact I said \u0026lt;\u0026lt;sure I've seen>> and many more before she told me \u0026lt;\u0026lt; it can be fun and exciting to see them and show our private parts, is a way as any to know more deeply>>
Ma che sta succedendo ???
Ma che donne sono queste ?
Da dove saltano fuori ?
Ma è mai possibile che in rete ci sia tanta di quella MERDA che ormai INTERNET stesso sia diventato un ENORME BORDELLONE per mostrare tutto quanto ci sia da mostrare ???
Mi preoccuperei in modo notevole se avessi una compagna che si mette a chattare in rete con degli estranei, e magari sotto sotto anche " MANIACI SESSUALI " assetati di ESIBIZIONISMO in CAM , stesso discorso per il " fairer sex, "sexual predators pure! who knows. At this point I no longer trust the network, look at the internet, I am convinced that any type of IM is controlled by the authorities, perhaps we close an eye on on these things, but I think it's very risky to make such a thing, then, especially with the modern instant messaging programs that are in circulation, programs where you can even take Photo online users, with buttons placed next to the video, options that should be removed because it violates the Privacy users on the network, regardless of who they are, or PIGS NO, because the photos do not have to take knowledge of who is in front of the cam, it is illegal and CRIMINALS make a similar gesture.

However, if I may say so, if you really want to play to show off, do it only if you know the person well in front of you, you never know who is behind INTERNET could be anyone, could be disgraced , defame, blackmail behind the pictures on the Internet, they could use that information to permanently ruin, until the company identifies you for what you are really and truly, maniac or sex maniacs, freaks / e, rerouted s, depraved s and so on and so forth, I could go on all night to write the bad words that come to mind. And if you are exhibitionists by nature, at least go to the sites EROTIC designed for this purpose, and not on the normal chat, perhaps a bit .. the most dangerous.

I stop here it goes!!

Regards to you all


Friday, March 11, 2011

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The magical art of Josephine

Josephine Wall Farmhan was born in England in 1947 and at age 14 he moved with his family in Poole. His works are mainly directed to the fantasy world, even as a child because the artist was particularly fascinated by the colors, the lights and everything that revolves around fantasy universe. Josephine is also a talented sculptor. His art is very special, extremely visual ... propels us into a dream world, where colors reign supreme.
                                              Qui trovate il suo sito.

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Ticklish Female Celebs


For lovers of photography strictly old-style-wandering here and there, I found an interesting blog which contains many vintage pictures (some examples below). It's called
Vintage Photography , look ....

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Thursday, March 10, 2011

What Does A Model Do When Period

Find A stroll in Bath?

In the southwestern part of the United Kingdom, in the county of Somerset, lies the town of Bath, famous, as suggested by the English name for its spa, which has ensured title of UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Already in ancient times was known for its hot springs, probably built by the Romans in 43 AD or even earlier by the Celts, who were built next to a shrine to the Sun God
The sulphurous water that flows are Aquae Sulis calls, and it can be concluded with some confidence that they use at least 2500 years . Over the centuries, the town passed into different hands, coveted by several nations conquerors to give it its present name were the Saxons. In the eighteenth century it was renewed with the construction of various buildings in Georgian and later, in the neoclassical style.

The importance of the town has seen a surge with the opening of Thermae Bath Spa, the only natural spa in the country, where you can immerse themselves in hot waters, rich in beneficial minerals , which bathed the Romans and Celts. At the end of the 800
has been made of the excavations that have unearthed the ancient remains of the original thermal structure, with beautiful decorations that can currently be seen at the Roman Bath Museum. The most fascinating sections of the museum are the Great Bath, the "big bath" and the King's Bath, "Bath of the King." Bath Museum is located immediately next to the Pump Room, a sophisticated restaurant opened in 1700 and whose walls are the portraits in full view of the most important and known at the time. Not far from the Roman baths meets the Bath Abbey, a beautiful late-Gothic building built in the years between 1499 and 1616. The west facade of the abbey is the most charming and interesting, decorated with statues of angels who walk the staircases, to remember A dream by King Oliver, the founder of the church. Catching the attention inside the fan vaulting of the aisles and chancel, designed by the brothers Vertue between 1504 and 1518.

For those who can not afford to catapult there with the first plane, we can console with a virtual stroll fascinating to discover a place-among others-known to our Jane Austen and present in his novels (see Persuasion).
Then we're off! View the Pump Room tour

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Many thanks to her friends Claire ( The collector of details ), Susy (Susy cottage ) and Sylvia ( Tea with Jane Austen ) for the very welcome bonus!
Excuse me for interrupting the chain, but would end to return the prize or the usual Always hand. However, consider yourself awarded back to your beautiful blog, which, as evidenced by my blogroll here at the end-so much so I always follow with much interest! Thanks again! ^ _ ^ Hugs

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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Impressionist masterpieces from the Clark collection. In Milan.

This year there are so many good shows to see! Having already talked about that of Rovigo, now let's move to Milan for the Impressionists.

For the first time in Italy 73 masterpieces from the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, USA.
Palazzo Reale in Milan will be the first stage of the exceptional and unprecedented tour of the masterpieces of world-famous collection of American Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown, United States, including major French works of the nineteenth century, with beautiful paintings of Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Claude Monet, Edgar Degas, Edouard Manet, Berthe Morisot and Camille Pissarro.

The exhibition will be held from March 2 to June 19, 2011 and will have 73 works by French masters of the nineteenth century. Subsequently, the collection will be housed Clark in Francia, al Musée des Impressionnismes di Giverny, dal 13 luglio al 31 ottobre 2011, in Spagna, alla CaixaForum di Barcelona, dal 18 novembre 2011 al 12 febbraio 2012, e proseguirà nei maggiori musei di tutto il mondo.

L’americano Robert Sterling Clark era uno degli eredi del patrimonio delle macchine per cucire Singer. Con il suo gran mucchio di dollari, e in sintonia perfetta con la moglie Francine Clary, comincia ad acquistare importanti opere d’arte nel 1910, e va avanti così per decenni.
Nel 1955 nasce lo Sterling and Francine Clark Art institute a Williamstown, un edificio immacolato in stile neoclassico immerso tra le verdi colline del Berkshire, regione occidentale del Massachusetts. Oggi funziona anche as an excellent center for research and study.
boasts 8,000 pieces, of which 500 are paintings, most exalted. Selected from among these, 73 will arrive at the Palazzo Reale in Milan for a dazzling show, Impressionists. Masterpieces from the Clark collection.

The exhibition is curated by Richard Rand, Senior Curator at the Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute and the exhibition, organized with the expert advice of Stephen Zuffi, is divided into ten sections focusing on key themes that testify to the stylistic innovations and techniques of the second half of the nineteenth century: Printing, Light, Nature, Sea, Town and countryside, Travel, Body, Faces, Company and Pleasures.

Sections brings together masterpieces of the greatest French artists, the evolution and variation of style and poetic realism, impressionism post-impressionism, were confronted with these issues revolutionizing the concept of painting and role of art in bourgeois society of the time.

How wonderful!

From 02/03/2011 to 19/06/2011
Royal Palace - Museum

Hours Monday: from 14.30 to 19.30, Tuesday to Sunday from 9.30 am to 19.30 pm , Thursday and Saturday open until 22.30.

Euro 9.00

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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Portable Pretty Good Solitaire


The film stars Natalie Portman in the role of Nina an ambitious young dancer in New York Hunting the double role that everyone dreams: the White Swan, gentle and innocent, and the Black Swan, which gives off a seductive evil, in the classic The Swan Lake, which can turn an unknown into a star. Nina manages to get the role, but is not sure she could embody the dark side of the Swan Queen. While reaching new heights with his body, nightmares, fantasies and jealousies began to emerge that hides in a deep way, causing a dangerous confrontation with a provocative new arrival, Lily (Mila Kunis), which is his greatest rival. Nina quickly goes down too well in the role of the evil and deadly Black Swan ...

No, I did not like ... Great interpretation of Natalie Portman, who has rightly earned him the Oscar, but for the resto l'ho trovato eccessivo.
Partiamo con il chiarire che quello della danza è poco più di un pretesto, per una storia che c'entra poco con la danza e molto con problemi legati alla personalità, al rapporto con se stessi, con gli altri, con il mondo, con le proprie paure e aspirazioni. L'ho trovato piuttosto scontato, il finale era decisamente telefonato, al punto che l'avevo intuito già dopo un quarto d'ora di film; per non parlare della solita storia della ballerina schiacciata dalla sua stessa passione, dal coreografo-tiranno, dalla rivalità con le altre ballerine.... uff!
Il resto del film procede tra autolesionismo, visioni, autoerotismo, baci saffici.... pesante, heavy, if the only intent was to create "anxiety", the result is better ... but at this point I was going to see a thriller!
mouth ... Probably not my thing, and then malfunctions can not appreciate it: I know is that we were leaving the cinema (yes, I was not the only one not to like it!) So "proven" to have the irresistible desire to enter in another room to watch any movie for children! So, just to balance a bit!

Three have died. Who is Number Four? DJ Caruso directs an action-packed thriller about the history of an amazing guy, John Smith (Alex Pettyfer), in flight from ruthless enemies sent to annihilate him. Change identity, move to city in the city with its look Henri (Timothy Olyphant), John is always a new guy with no connection to the past. In the small town in Ohio who now calls home, John goes to meet unexpected events that change his life: his first love (Dianna Agron), new powers and a bond with others with which it shares the same incredible destiny.
seen after reading the book. A nice movie, without being pretentious. The book I quite liked the film and so, obviously if it differs in part, but that does not bother me, indeed, in the first part I found it even better than the novel, that in this part is a bit slow.
film about aliens, aliens who live among humans, feelings and the need for roots, with plenty of action in the finale, which, however, that, yes, I found less successful and , perhaps a bit hasty, the novel was able to communicate much more pathos.
Obviously this is a film that leaves the door open for more. Recommended for those who do not expect from a movie too, but he wants to pass a 'Oretta and a half hours of entertainment without asking any questions or address the lack of credibility of some steps!