Friday, November 30, 2007

Philips Surround Sound System Troubleshooting

Il belgio, Borghezio e la pietra filosofale.

do not know why in the locker room of the pool, with the lawyer ended up talking about the affair and Borghezio train disinfected by the EU. The day after meeting the great man of the alloy on the flight to Brussels and write it to the lawyer. "We do not have the disinfectant." He said, "do the stink." After two days of half-day conference in Antwerp and Leuven, at the airport to check in still Borghezio. This time I ran out of money on your phone, then with two colleagues, the conference also their return on the same flight, I go to Pizza Hut, in joy. A beer, a cigarette outside and then suddenly stagger, back at the airport, earning a chair, stabbing pains in his left side, turning pale, sweat, your hands tingle, dark view, the eye ball. The co-workers call a doctor and bring me an umbrella and Meda Luchthavendokters the luggage to the Brussels Airport, where I was diagnosed with an acute attack of calculations. Nothing epic, but they wanted to keep me and I had no intention of being hospitalized, the less there. Dr. House does not recommend "the Reviendra. But you can sign away and showing the ticket for advice on where to go, "three floor, left, gate sixty-eight. Forty-five euros, please. " Pago go go wrong and hub for flights outside Europe without passing a queue of suspected African and Chinese in the queue with a million explanations and awkward "sorry". I go back to a huge "EU" surrounded by stars on a blue background and take the right lane. Here it is faster but I still have to pass through metal detectors and x-rays for hand luggage, plus an endless series of escalators. When I think of being a sign to the extreme threat "Gate 60-70 10-15 min time expected." And a slew of treadmill unfolds in a huge space, an expanse of desert that runs automatically, as in a drawing by Buzzati . Me and my ID card expired one day we pull out the big numbers, sweating, around 68. Boarding behind a desk false electric blue boy smiles as an accomplice who had a catch for the breakneck speed the return flight which takes up the affair with her lover and says my name, I almost expected for dinner " Mr. A.a. I guess…” “Of course”, ansimo, “di corsa”. A bordo ritrovo Giulia e Francesca, le colleghe che pietosamente mi avevano dato una mano e mi accomodo raccontando della faccenda. La mia situazione, palese tra le ultime file del volo che seguono la storia dell’avventura ospedaliera del ritardatario, desta anche l’attenzione del mio vicino, cordiale, ben piantato, segnato da un taglio fresco che dalla fronte si sposta per tratti irregolari lungo la dorsale del naso, a croste irregolari. È cordiale, del sud, molto scuro. Parliamo di gusto. Con il mio accento piemontese faccio qualche battuta sulla Lega, lui ride. Poi mi racconta che si è fatto male riparando il muso di un muletto. La sua ditta ha Headquartered in Turin and rent equipment throughout Europe. When you fail to touch him leave and go to put in place. He heard that I would not hospitalized and he says that he refused the points. "So much goes right." Then I also shows the scars of a shard of metal in one hand but had to remove because they had almost reached the tendon. One of the many signs of work you do. The injection of Toradol, 40 mg of piroxicam and friendly and my anonymous interlocutor ensure a good flight. Both in business, both quite satisfied despite the injury, we sleep. Ennobled by comparison with self-indulgence to think how strong is the guilt of the poor intellectuals who have chosen not to raise its voice, to remain equal to all. He tells me not to worry about the calculations: the brother-truck driver after a couple of attacks have taken them to him and now he is fine. Problems of working, or aspiring writer professional driver is the same. So while I think about m'assopisco blue camel facing the railway station square in Antwerp Zoo in defense of a century, to "Antwerpen" the poetry of Eliot Ford generously considered among the best ever on the First World War (' For there is no new thing under the sun, / Only this uncomely man with a smoking gun '), the conference of Genoa and the one just past, thanks to which I was on that flight, imitated by Siegfried Sassoon Levi ea quella generazione che parallela Cercando una cultura comune e Trovo if a boundary combattere su due volte nel giro OPPOSITION nemmeno di quarant'anni. Mentre mi assopisco torna e il suo anche Montaigne viaggio in Italia in cerca di e il capitolo term Dell'Esperienza che terzo e ultimo CHIUDE it volume dei Saggi :

"But is there anything sweet at the cost of this sudden change, and when an extreme pain, I come by my vuidange stone, to recover, as a thunder, the beautiful light of health: so free and so full: as it happens in sudden and noz aspres colic? Is there anything in the pain suffered, that one can counterpoise to the pleasure of so speedy Amendement? Combien de la santé Ensemble me plus the beautiful apres maladie, et voisine it is contiguous, puis que je les en recognoistre the presence une de l'autre, en leur appareil plus hault: if putting où elles à l'envy, comme pour if heads faire et contrecarre "(ed. it. Adelphi, p. 1464) The philosophy of experience

a sedentary traveler who tried to compare and contrast in spite of so many whining. Inside, a smile of gratitude for that mysterious little world suspended nine thousand feet, Borghezio included: "Pour mon enfance dés m'estre, Dress dans ma vie à Mirer autruy cells ..." (p. 1439).


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