Thursday, November 8, 2007

Occasional Liver Pain, Is This Okay

Il “signor rosmarino”. (Moresco saggista III)

to the letters that make up the letters None if they could be added, perhaps the most radical writing, addressed to Pope Benedict XVI.

"Dear Benedict XVI, the directly excuse with which I am addressing you, without the usual names that are used in these cases. It is not to disrespect but a need for truth and trust with the person before that with its institutional figure. You certainly do not know me. So I introduce myself. I am neither an atheist nor a devotee devout atheist. I'm just a writer who in his book imagined a pope who, when elected, after two thousand years, dissolve the Church. "

This is the" extreme action "that asks Benedict Moresco. Let the church know about her death in order to truly rise again. This is the test. This is the extreme, this faith request by Moresco. Too easy to ridicule this idea with that of the gurus telling you that you do die you wake up on a planet heated by Proxima Centauri. Too easy to pretend not to understand the symbolic "immanent" to the proposal. I think the arguments of Oddifreddi easily disproved and the most subtle arguments of Ferraris on the "real presence" of faith as aporia and other consumption. Behind or under this second speech, apparently formal, there is the real problem of a corpse was stolen or taken, the flesh, the invisible. Well if we do not believe most, literally, it must be said. Eternal life is not the resurrection, and if you really want to resurrect, to witness that the resurrection is given must have the courage not to apply a suicide, but to accept death. A desperate act of faith: "If you want to save the Church, you will lose in the time ahead." (See the concept of acceptance as stated in Part II )

"I realize how naive and abnormal that I'm asking. And I know that I can answer is: No one can dissolve the Church, because it is was established by the Son of God but we need to free all the disorienting power of the resurrected Christianity. I must free itself from its still unknown new power vacuum, which is proportional to what is happening to us. What you release the creative power of mankind and resurrected female who is also trapped inside. That the Church does not remain stuck in a sterile war of position between the other imperial powers secular. [...] Salvation can come only from politics, economics and technology. The challenge is extreme. We must leave a huge latent force that-perhaps-is trapped somewhere. You have to think the unthinkable because the unexpected is exactly what is happening to us. The most extreme and great idea of \u200b\u200bChristianity is the resurrection. We need this kind of extremism in this passage on this planet overpopulated and exhausted. Serve an extreme action, unthinkable, radiant, carried out by those who have the power to copy it. "

heidegerriana The idea" to move towards the unthinkable that must think, "repeated ad nauseam by many bishops of the reaction (to think and write continuously ever thought and already mentioned), here takes on a light "immanent" unknown to many of these famous words that were seized. The staggering scope of the words of Moresco over and further that this plan could be defined yet somehow it resulted in critical and historical 'idea of \u200b\u200bthe dream as creation. Creating an anthropomorphic form and the human being with the anthropological sense of the prophecy as "embodied" "In shape" even before "in narration." In fact, even the shape of the letter Shoot, shoot the other person, the issuer will disappear. It remains the vision.

"Behold, I want to get with my dreams to the dreams of the Pope, to enter the kingdom where dreams of the Pope will join the rest of the body and spiritual power of all the dreams dreamed. Perhaps, from time to time, whispers something in my sleep, even if nobody hears it. Or maybe someone, who knows ... maybe when it's all dark and silent in her room, a tall man approaching her bed, sits there in the chair opposite. He looks at sleep in silence, absorbed. Listen to the words that escape from lips while dreaming. Who will this man? How do I call? But yeah, give it a name, a name sweet, kind, call Mr. Rosemary, because it leaves behind a light fragrance of rosemary. That's what I feel in the morning when she wakes up, and maybe exchange it for a few liturgical smell emanating from his clothes during the night. Mr. Rosemary looks at her in silence, in the shadows, listen to his words whispered under his breath in his sleep. Then, at dawn, as it had arrived, and nobody sees it, goes away. "

say with the voice the vision, a figure of the dream that nothing, absolutely nothing to do with the surreal, is a project intended to spill over the boundaries of what can be seen as "open letter to" or "critical discourse from ..." is an idea and a practice of creation destined to endure beyond the proposability or the real possibility that he proposes. In contemplating this endless "bloom" of the emblematic figures you feel the same sense of profound displacement and embarrassing that you can try a few letters in front of Giordano Bruno and Tommaso Campanella, the letters that start with a political end and break through in critical but far from it in a unique invention, allegorical, illustrated, uncommon, of new capacity (and then betrayed perverse invention of mystery and initiation and Masonic tradition of the Risorgimento, sectarian). Moresco constantly repeats the need to deal with this radical change, this shift of species coming and already arrived together, not by chance and Bruno Campanella crossed an unsettling epistemological mutation, and their works were abnormal witnesses, before Galileo, such a major upheaval. The seemingly humble layman common sense rests on the scientist's experimental senseless fury and madness of men disguised visionaries, incapable of prudence, who prophesied of mad mutations also occurred but then fairly unpredictable that mingled with astrology and magic natural science, and nonsense truth-sensitive. Auroral mink, decomposed, born out of meat used to the gallows, under impossible conditions. In conclusion, the prospect of liberation as thought and speech seems Moresco undone from the Incarnation. On the one Mr. Rosemary any, arbitrary, powerful and helpless, who takes everything on his shoulders, like an African king who rides a bicycle from room to keep the world in its orbit unthinkable. Unreasonable as the will of a cobbler from Calabria who, from the depths of a prison, claims to understand and reform his world, to talk to popes and emperors. A guy like Campanella's vision by studying the anatomy of the bulbs, which was able to understand that the fever was not a disease but a physiological reaction to evil, which Eugenics was able to explain the ecological and the links between plants, animals and environment, who prophesied of vessels capable of sailing without wind or oars, telepathy, acoustic equipment capable of picking up sounds from outer space. A madman who was a great poet, whose bitter end reverberates in the twentieth century with the results of very different: the mystique of Rebora lyrical fragment 68 (see the sonnet of the populace Campanella), the militancy of Leonetti ("The voice is that of Campanella and / vociani with the modern military, / softened sounds of Bologna, "The voice of the Raven ) Moresco or the invention of which I presented an example.


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