Friday, November 30, 2007

Philips Surround Sound System Troubleshooting

Il belgio, Borghezio e la pietra filosofale.

do not know why in the locker room of the pool, with the lawyer ended up talking about the affair and Borghezio train disinfected by the EU. The day after meeting the great man of the alloy on the flight to Brussels and write it to the lawyer. "We do not have the disinfectant." He said, "do the stink." After two days of half-day conference in Antwerp and Leuven, at the airport to check in still Borghezio. This time I ran out of money on your phone, then with two colleagues, the conference also their return on the same flight, I go to Pizza Hut, in joy. A beer, a cigarette outside and then suddenly stagger, back at the airport, earning a chair, stabbing pains in his left side, turning pale, sweat, your hands tingle, dark view, the eye ball. The co-workers call a doctor and bring me an umbrella and Meda Luchthavendokters the luggage to the Brussels Airport, where I was diagnosed with an acute attack of calculations. Nothing epic, but they wanted to keep me and I had no intention of being hospitalized, the less there. Dr. House does not recommend "the Reviendra. But you can sign away and showing the ticket for advice on where to go, "three floor, left, gate sixty-eight. Forty-five euros, please. " Pago go go wrong and hub for flights outside Europe without passing a queue of suspected African and Chinese in the queue with a million explanations and awkward "sorry". I go back to a huge "EU" surrounded by stars on a blue background and take the right lane. Here it is faster but I still have to pass through metal detectors and x-rays for hand luggage, plus an endless series of escalators. When I think of being a sign to the extreme threat "Gate 60-70 10-15 min time expected." And a slew of treadmill unfolds in a huge space, an expanse of desert that runs automatically, as in a drawing by Buzzati . Me and my ID card expired one day we pull out the big numbers, sweating, around 68. Boarding behind a desk false electric blue boy smiles as an accomplice who had a catch for the breakneck speed the return flight which takes up the affair with her lover and says my name, I almost expected for dinner " Mr. A.a. I guess…” “Of course”, ansimo, “di corsa”. A bordo ritrovo Giulia e Francesca, le colleghe che pietosamente mi avevano dato una mano e mi accomodo raccontando della faccenda. La mia situazione, palese tra le ultime file del volo che seguono la storia dell’avventura ospedaliera del ritardatario, desta anche l’attenzione del mio vicino, cordiale, ben piantato, segnato da un taglio fresco che dalla fronte si sposta per tratti irregolari lungo la dorsale del naso, a croste irregolari. È cordiale, del sud, molto scuro. Parliamo di gusto. Con il mio accento piemontese faccio qualche battuta sulla Lega, lui ride. Poi mi racconta che si è fatto male riparando il muso di un muletto. La sua ditta ha Headquartered in Turin and rent equipment throughout Europe. When you fail to touch him leave and go to put in place. He heard that I would not hospitalized and he says that he refused the points. "So much goes right." Then I also shows the scars of a shard of metal in one hand but had to remove because they had almost reached the tendon. One of the many signs of work you do. The injection of Toradol, 40 mg of piroxicam and friendly and my anonymous interlocutor ensure a good flight. Both in business, both quite satisfied despite the injury, we sleep. Ennobled by comparison with self-indulgence to think how strong is the guilt of the poor intellectuals who have chosen not to raise its voice, to remain equal to all. He tells me not to worry about the calculations: the brother-truck driver after a couple of attacks have taken them to him and now he is fine. Problems of working, or aspiring writer professional driver is the same. So while I think about m'assopisco blue camel facing the railway station square in Antwerp Zoo in defense of a century, to "Antwerpen" the poetry of Eliot Ford generously considered among the best ever on the First World War (' For there is no new thing under the sun, / Only this uncomely man with a smoking gun '), the conference of Genoa and the one just past, thanks to which I was on that flight, imitated by Siegfried Sassoon Levi ea quella generazione che parallela Cercando una cultura comune e Trovo if a boundary combattere su due volte nel giro OPPOSITION nemmeno di quarant'anni. Mentre mi assopisco torna e il suo anche Montaigne viaggio in Italia in cerca di e il capitolo term Dell'Esperienza che terzo e ultimo CHIUDE it volume dei Saggi :

"But is there anything sweet at the cost of this sudden change, and when an extreme pain, I come by my vuidange stone, to recover, as a thunder, the beautiful light of health: so free and so full: as it happens in sudden and noz aspres colic? Is there anything in the pain suffered, that one can counterpoise to the pleasure of so speedy Amendement? Combien de la santé Ensemble me plus the beautiful apres maladie, et voisine it is contiguous, puis que je les en recognoistre the presence une de l'autre, en leur appareil plus hault: if putting où elles à l'envy, comme pour if heads faire et contrecarre "(ed. it. Adelphi, p. 1464) The philosophy of experience

a sedentary traveler who tried to compare and contrast in spite of so many whining. Inside, a smile of gratitude for that mysterious little world suspended nine thousand feet, Borghezio included: "Pour mon enfance dés m'estre, Dress dans ma vie à Mirer autruy cells ..." (p. 1439).

Friday, November 9, 2007

Getting Chicken Grease Off Of Cotton

neo settantasette

Dopo il Settanta di Belpoliti torno sull’argomento riportando (da « Sagarana » n. 28) un pezzo di Lucia Annunziata dal suo nuovo libro 1977 - L'ultima foto di famiglia , Einaudi, Torino, 2007 . Perché abbia interessato di più il trentennale del 1977 che il ’67 non è facile dirlo; forse perché il movimento del 1977 è un fenomeno nazionale rispetto all’internazionale 1968, come ricorda Marco Grispigni in 1977 (manifestolibri, 2° edizione 2007), e poi perché si pone in modo radicalmente differente rispetto al ’68: l’imperativo è “soddisfare i bisogni” and let the boundary between necessary and contingent fade in the ironic, in contradiction, in the teasing. The communications company that dominates the next decade was born there, its values \u200b\u200bare not so distant post- the intransigent suffix characteristic of the Seventy turns in a few years nell'algido New: time apparently far, is actually contiguous. The obsession with the "I was around the corner, just left the parade ...
Meeting papers the name of Gustave Le Bon, one of Mussolini's favorite philosophers. His The Crowd still has the "shot narrative" a best sellers to Rifkin, however, surprised that he could have as much right in the twenties and so wrong about fifty years later. In the seventies, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe crowd has changed dramatically: he discovered the principle of "community" and set to "identify" people have looked in their faces instead of going to a stage. And it was what it was, firmly laid the foundations of the postmodern, began the domination of the media, the visibility of the statement present. Even in the fifties for an artist to die unknown, misunderstood by his age, was a reasonable prospect, or at least possible: an unrecognized value in this could wait for the future. Today, this expectation of the future is completely cleared. Having triumphed pop, also we'll have to be discovered and consumed in fifteen minutes of fame. From

Lucia Annunziata, 1977 - The latest family photos , Einaudi, Torino, 2007

(...) The movement of '77 was born with a keen awareness of the media. Or rather, originates in the media and the media inside. The most powerful
revolution of that year - and one that in many ways it would make a longer - it is the discovery and invention of Mediated. The deconstruction of the language of communication is also communication.
intellectual production di quell'anno è monumentale, non solo per quantità ma per la continua sollecitazione che innesca. Delle radio e dell'uso dei quotidiani abbiamo detto. Va aggiunta la sperimentazione: la piú interessante e proficua è quella che nasce dalla rivista "Attraverso" fondata da un collettivo di cui facevano parte Franco Berardi (Bifo), Stefano Saviotti, Maurizio Torrealta e che si rifà ad Antonin Artaud e alla sua teoria del linguaggio corporale, alla separazione dell'arte nella vita del processo rivoluzionario, dell'intelligenza tecnico-scientifica. La rivista è un modello per molte altre che ne riprodurranno il linguaggio, e di cui la barra separativa è ancora oggi il simbolo. C'è poi "Zut", rivista dada-situazionista Roman, edited by Angelo Pasquini, he used parody and paradox as deconstruction: the group of "Zut" creates the cDNA (center spread news arbitrary), responsible for disseminating news invented out of whole cloth sometimes capable of producing real events.
In the same vein there are also "Oask?" Urban Indians, the Neapolitan "Wam" and Roman "Abat / Jour. I had youth clubs instead of the Proletariat "Viola", born in 1976, the magazine takes teen angst underground. In March 1977, alongside the "WoW" Darius Flowers, presented as a "package of proletarian youth circles in decomposition," and claimed "WoW totoista" in criticism of Maoism still prevailing in many other experiences, included "A/tra-
to." The list is endless: each group tended to do in your communication, to delimit strictly its own area.
The same attitude is reflected in the privatization of cultural consumption: a search for absolute separation from the paths of the majority culture, even the rebel born in '68. The movement espouse some "texts" classics of the counterculture, such as the American protest and radical pacifist, from Bob Dylan to the Fugs, Jefferson Airplane, Country Joe, Frank Zappa, Joni Mitchell and the supergroup Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young; loves singer-songwriters in the route of approach to politics, such as Frank Sinatra (from the earliest written texts for the Nomads) or Fabrizio De André e ancora Francesco De Gregori o per altri versi Edoardo Bennato. Ma canta soprattutto la canzone militante, di lotta, intrecciata strettamente alla canzone popolare - anche di sapore internazionalista, basti ricordare gli Inti Illimani.
Il repertorio basico è costituito dagli autori classici già colonna sonora degli anni sessanta: Ivan Della Mea, Paolo Pietrangeli, Giovanna Marini, Gualtiero Bertelli. "E chi può affermare che un sampietrino non fa arte?", scriveva Ivan Della Mea. "Può servire De Gregori? Non ho dubbi: che cominci però anche lui a prendere le pietre, a guardare come sono fatte e a lanciarle. Irrobustisce il bicipite e l'accordo di chitarra si strappa piú duro". A metà degli anni settanta and then in the midst of these 77 authors will be joined by others, such as Claudio Lolli (I've also seen Gypsy happy) or Ricky duo Giancarlo Gianfranco Manfredi. No more than Manfredi and Giancarlo will give voice to the spirit of '77 with songs like Zombie-poster or around the world From the Apennines to the bands (a sort of mystique of the underground), Last Mohican ("... sampietrino in hand " went the song), do not pay (a hymn to the Auto Reduction in cinemas and concerts), Vanguard (perfect satire of the militant Pdup and Ao). In the songs of
Manfredi is the perfect synthesis of '77: love, violence, dream, hallucination and a fierce self-deprecating satire, as in the song companion, comrade no, mate shit. Or Who said there: "He's at the bottom of your eyes, the tip of the lips, is the polished machine gun in the view of the state, in joy and anger, to destroy the cage, in the death of the school in the refusal of work, in deserted factory in the house with no door ... "
the movies you watch again and Strawberries blood Stuart Hagman, built in 1969, right on the cult film '68 at Berkeley. But in Rome is the time of flowering of the film club, the Filmstudio, the Polytechnic and Workshop. Auteur cinema and Carbonaro, in fact. In August 1977 the volcanic Renato Nicolini gives life to the film festival of the Roman, in the Basilica of Maxentius, which successfully un'operazione di ricucitura culturale tra generi: tra il cinema alto dei classici di Hollywood e del cinema italiano e quello degli horror di serie B, delle commedie scollacciate, dei polizieschi, dei peplum, degli spaghetti western.
Fra i libri spopola, accanto agli amatissimi Roland Barthes e Jürgen Habermas, ogni sorta di testo e libello dell'editore Savelli: da Porci con le ali al celebre In caso di golpe. Manuale teorico-pratico per il cittadino di resistenza totale e di guerra di popolo, di guerriglia e di controguerriglia, con prefazione del compagno Vincenzo Calò. Sottotitolo: Quello che i golpisti sanno già e che ogni democratico dovrebbe sapere.
Il movimento insomma è impegnato soprattutto a raccontare se stesso, per himself. This passion for "photogenic" by itself is not narcissism, but a revolutionary act, indeed a revolution in itself. What else are in fact all these inventions and linguistic experiments, the performances of violence, if not the anticipation of "other" through the destruction of this by means of language that makes it real? In those years, wrote Aldo Bonomi, "Many companies have come to conclude that deal with communication already contains a project. Imagery meant to communicate, to campaign in the processes of transformation underway."
is a huge difference with the '68, which was also very pleased, but had never looked at, preferring to be seen. Voleva essere "capito" e "ammirato", non per com'era, tuttavia, ma per quello che faceva. Il '68 aveva la missione di cambiare il mondo ed era dunque impegnato a infiltrarsi nei media per cambiarli (in questo senso non è un caso che quell'anno abbia prodotto una massa enorme di giornalisti). Il '77, che non crede nelle istituzioni e dunque nel cambiamento, è invece impegnato soprattutto a raccontarsi, come atto di affermazione di indipendenza dalle convenzioni di cui le istituzioni rappresentano l'organizzazione finale.
Un movimento che si specchia e si autorappresenta: che nessuno dunque può davvero raccontare, tanto meno capire.
In questa identità c'è il seme della follia: quello che gli altri, cioè la stampa, dicono del movimento diventa la comparazione fra quello che si vede di sé nel proprio specchio e quello che vedono gli esterni. Il '77 compra ossessivamente i giornali per leggere delle proprie manifestazioni, guarda la Tv per vedersi sfilare, ma ogni volta è una delusione, una deformazione: dalla mediazione del giornalista, persino di quelli molto vicini, rimane sempre deluso. Lo specchio dei media, per il movimento, è sempre deformante. I giornalisti infatti danno giudizi, scelgono, scrivono, riorganizzano la realtà. Il movimento vuole invece una rappresentazione continua e diretta: non a caso l'unica forma di narrazione giornalistica in cui si riconosce e che accetta è la rubrica delle lettere di "Lotta continua", cioè a sort of continuous stream of self-consciousness, no one put your hands. And, in hindsight, a desire that anticipated the Internet and blogs - a bit 'like the other popular instrument at the time, the radio.
Moreover, could it be otherwise? Newspapers are institutions, and as an institution could include the movement? The journalists then club (like "The Unit"), incite (such as "Courier"), complain (like the "New Newspaper") and, above all, spy.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Occasional Liver Pain, Is This Okay

Il “signor rosmarino”. (Moresco saggista III)

to the letters that make up the letters None if they could be added, perhaps the most radical writing, addressed to Pope Benedict XVI.

"Dear Benedict XVI, the directly excuse with which I am addressing you, without the usual names that are used in these cases. It is not to disrespect but a need for truth and trust with the person before that with its institutional figure. You certainly do not know me. So I introduce myself. I am neither an atheist nor a devotee devout atheist. I'm just a writer who in his book imagined a pope who, when elected, after two thousand years, dissolve the Church. "

This is the" extreme action "that asks Benedict Moresco. Let the church know about her death in order to truly rise again. This is the test. This is the extreme, this faith request by Moresco. Too easy to ridicule this idea with that of the gurus telling you that you do die you wake up on a planet heated by Proxima Centauri. Too easy to pretend not to understand the symbolic "immanent" to the proposal. I think the arguments of Oddifreddi easily disproved and the most subtle arguments of Ferraris on the "real presence" of faith as aporia and other consumption. Behind or under this second speech, apparently formal, there is the real problem of a corpse was stolen or taken, the flesh, the invisible. Well if we do not believe most, literally, it must be said. Eternal life is not the resurrection, and if you really want to resurrect, to witness that the resurrection is given must have the courage not to apply a suicide, but to accept death. A desperate act of faith: "If you want to save the Church, you will lose in the time ahead." (See the concept of acceptance as stated in Part II )

"I realize how naive and abnormal that I'm asking. And I know that I can answer is: No one can dissolve the Church, because it is was established by the Son of God but we need to free all the disorienting power of the resurrected Christianity. I must free itself from its still unknown new power vacuum, which is proportional to what is happening to us. What you release the creative power of mankind and resurrected female who is also trapped inside. That the Church does not remain stuck in a sterile war of position between the other imperial powers secular. [...] Salvation can come only from politics, economics and technology. The challenge is extreme. We must leave a huge latent force that-perhaps-is trapped somewhere. You have to think the unthinkable because the unexpected is exactly what is happening to us. The most extreme and great idea of \u200b\u200bChristianity is the resurrection. We need this kind of extremism in this passage on this planet overpopulated and exhausted. Serve an extreme action, unthinkable, radiant, carried out by those who have the power to copy it. "

heidegerriana The idea" to move towards the unthinkable that must think, "repeated ad nauseam by many bishops of the reaction (to think and write continuously ever thought and already mentioned), here takes on a light "immanent" unknown to many of these famous words that were seized. The staggering scope of the words of Moresco over and further that this plan could be defined yet somehow it resulted in critical and historical 'idea of \u200b\u200bthe dream as creation. Creating an anthropomorphic form and the human being with the anthropological sense of the prophecy as "embodied" "In shape" even before "in narration." In fact, even the shape of the letter Shoot, shoot the other person, the issuer will disappear. It remains the vision.

"Behold, I want to get with my dreams to the dreams of the Pope, to enter the kingdom where dreams of the Pope will join the rest of the body and spiritual power of all the dreams dreamed. Perhaps, from time to time, whispers something in my sleep, even if nobody hears it. Or maybe someone, who knows ... maybe when it's all dark and silent in her room, a tall man approaching her bed, sits there in the chair opposite. He looks at sleep in silence, absorbed. Listen to the words that escape from lips while dreaming. Who will this man? How do I call? But yeah, give it a name, a name sweet, kind, call Mr. Rosemary, because it leaves behind a light fragrance of rosemary. That's what I feel in the morning when she wakes up, and maybe exchange it for a few liturgical smell emanating from his clothes during the night. Mr. Rosemary looks at her in silence, in the shadows, listen to his words whispered under his breath in his sleep. Then, at dawn, as it had arrived, and nobody sees it, goes away. "

say with the voice the vision, a figure of the dream that nothing, absolutely nothing to do with the surreal, is a project intended to spill over the boundaries of what can be seen as "open letter to" or "critical discourse from ..." is an idea and a practice of creation destined to endure beyond the proposability or the real possibility that he proposes. In contemplating this endless "bloom" of the emblematic figures you feel the same sense of profound displacement and embarrassing that you can try a few letters in front of Giordano Bruno and Tommaso Campanella, the letters that start with a political end and break through in critical but far from it in a unique invention, allegorical, illustrated, uncommon, of new capacity (and then betrayed perverse invention of mystery and initiation and Masonic tradition of the Risorgimento, sectarian). Moresco constantly repeats the need to deal with this radical change, this shift of species coming and already arrived together, not by chance and Bruno Campanella crossed an unsettling epistemological mutation, and their works were abnormal witnesses, before Galileo, such a major upheaval. The seemingly humble layman common sense rests on the scientist's experimental senseless fury and madness of men disguised visionaries, incapable of prudence, who prophesied of mad mutations also occurred but then fairly unpredictable that mingled with astrology and magic natural science, and nonsense truth-sensitive. Auroral mink, decomposed, born out of meat used to the gallows, under impossible conditions. In conclusion, the prospect of liberation as thought and speech seems Moresco undone from the Incarnation. On the one Mr. Rosemary any, arbitrary, powerful and helpless, who takes everything on his shoulders, like an African king who rides a bicycle from room to keep the world in its orbit unthinkable. Unreasonable as the will of a cobbler from Calabria who, from the depths of a prison, claims to understand and reform his world, to talk to popes and emperors. A guy like Campanella's vision by studying the anatomy of the bulbs, which was able to understand that the fever was not a disease but a physiological reaction to evil, which Eugenics was able to explain the ecological and the links between plants, animals and environment, who prophesied of vessels capable of sailing without wind or oars, telepathy, acoustic equipment capable of picking up sounds from outer space. A madman who was a great poet, whose bitter end reverberates in the twentieth century with the results of very different: the mystique of Rebora lyrical fragment 68 (see the sonnet of the populace Campanella), the militancy of Leonetti ("The voice is that of Campanella and / vociani with the modern military, / softened sounds of Bologna, "The voice of the Raven ) Moresco or the invention of which I presented an example.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Dog Has Blue Patches On Tongue

Provincia morta. Un poeta di Albisola

Per quanto mi è dato sapere transita impercettibile nel silenzio quasi assoluto il quarantennale dalla morte di un poeta dimenticato. Angelo Barile, nato ad Albisola Marina nel 1888 e ivi morto nel 1967. Vicino in gioventù alla prima Democrazia Cristiana di Murri, dedicò attenzione ai problemi religiosi (negli anni universitari, importante l’amicizia con il barnabita G. Semeria, portavoce del modernismo). Dopo la laurea in giurisprudenza a Genova frequenta corsi di lettere all’Università di Torino. Partecipò alla prima guerra mondiale come ufficiale di fanteria e tornato dal fronte non si allontanò più da Albisola, attendendo per molti anni alla sua azienda di terraglie. Durante il fascismo era vissuto secluded, but against the regime: he was arrested by the Germans in '43 and only one case survives the shooting. Poet of the youth decided to publish very late in various magazines including 'Solaria', 'Circles', 'Mistral', 'The Title'. Barile only returned to the political after the war, carrying out an intensive public activity as municipal and provincial administrations. Two years before his death in 1965 Vanni Scheiwiller decided to publish a book containing his Poems (1930-1963) (1965) which collects the now unobtainable previous collections Primasera (1933) and Mostly clear (1957) and the addition of the sezione A sole breve che raccoglie le liriche degli ultimi anni.
Quest’autore mi piace non solo perché conosco e frequento i luoghi in cui e di cui scrisse, ma per il suo aver saputo essere infinitamente meno vistoso del suo concittadino Tullio Mazzotti (1899-1971) e per non avere avuto, in fondo, nemmeno la vanità di creare un livre . Barile negli anni Trenta come gran parte dei poeti della sua generazione ha letto Blake e ha avvertito

«la necessità di fondere assieme i contrari: intensità e chiarezza, spontaneità e rigore... non è la poesia un equilibrio di resistenze? Il giuoco della libertà più aperta nei termini della legge più rigorosa. Ma come hard, desperately hard to the wedding. Impossible without grace. I felt that poetry is something quite unusual and rare, a gift of intimate transparency. How many times in life we \u200b\u200bare directly meeting? Few - even if - even those who are the best. Hence the usefulness of the vigils and abstinence. I made my own the words, do not forget most of Boine: "You have to let your water, dirt fewer cards, waiting. Let, let simmer, throw it away! that the important things are few and sparse the good things ... that you are not masters of useless things and they are the essential self, they rape us. "

This idea is essential that the work is done by itself, or almost at the expense of the author, "violent" comes straight from the preface to Mostly clear and seems very important. Consistent with these intentions, Barile manufactures its tools to syntactic and verbal scruples almost didactic Pasolini pointed in a "persistent tension" exerted on the tongue to achieve "the miracle of the merger ... sensitivity between subjective and objective presence of the divine. " However Barile labeled as an example of a "desperate and aesthetic Catholicism" marginalizing a suburban area, including pasture-hermetic twilight, which would have condemned virtuosity and indifference to the contents of the history, bracketing its exclusive tension to the "purity". In fact perhaps not understood that Pasolini Barile entrusted 'the huge background of history' to 'the idea of \u200b\u200bever "(as written by Carlo Bo): an idea, or rather, a feeling that he occurred in the newspaper within a crumbling' only privileged setting: the "small country" Ligurian Albisola Marina from which it broke away for the whole of existence, and also why he was able to appear voluntary isolation sheltered from the cultural climate of '9 oo. In fact the barrel was just a witness and protagonist (think just a circle ', the magazine he founded, funded, along with Adriano Great by William Bianchi, see also F. Contorbia, Lucia Rodocanachi. The cards life , Società Editrice Fiorentina, 2006), but it was congenial to the extent reasonable and refinement of feeling which led him to become a point of reference and teaching for many poets. "Judge secret," Bo has always defined at the time of his death and, in fact, everything you did in Rome or Florence between the wars had immediate echoes in the "small workshop" of his home. Needless perhaps to recall the friendship with the peer Sbarbaro, born on the banks of high school and a life term, and the fact that the Montale elect a chief justice of the "scrap" which would later form the nucleus of the primitive Ossi di sepia , perhaps the least known link with Adriano Sansa (Pula 1940) he wrote the preface to Eve (Sabatelli Editore), mayor of Genoa from 1993 to 1997 director of the magazine "Resin" - and author of Suffering and indignation (Scheiwiller) and The Gift of anxiety (New Melangolo).


accompany me to the first arm
Foresto I simulate brother to me.

I lean up all hope of lighter
meetings, I find myself on the shoulders while bending

imagine his head. Now hear this

that grows every day I wish to
hear voices
to shake hands with those who find it, anyone who finds the road, I feel my
fades and soon
sky grows dark. I would
urgency affectionate. From
tired lights Greppi pe'l
dense forest precipitous drop in grades

pierced by calls to the ground floor. The grassy bank
escapes me, the sharp m'afferro
charity of the branches.