Friday, February 19, 2010

Las Vegas Slots Quarters Or Pennies Cheaper?

Darkold LightMansion

La caravella di Altocielo può portare in volo massimo 20 persone quindi prepariamo un gruppo di 20 avventurieri per andare, subito ad attaccare il potere costituito della City Darkold.Si are 5 champions including Valer a young man who scored Valentin, 2 mages abjuration bulls, four clerics, including Marian (whose job is proteggre Stark) Stark Altocielo, Lady Asaku, our group and Finally the captain of the ship and its attachment.

During the trip the first jolt, Ulrim shakin ', started to say that within it there is a murderess of gnomes, it is the being that has emerged in the other dimension? We try to calm him down but when we lose a reference to exchange control and fire with his gun. The result is alive but not free and must take action to cure Drusilla. Once in

Darkold we head into the main square where they should be present leaders of the city, they discover that Evar lying dead on the stage, while there is a battle between blacks punches, guards and rebels. Of course the rebels are outnumbered so their main objective is crashing fists blacks and the guards, but to break the eggs in the basket is Raptus with his staff trying to quell the rebellion to make peace between forces in the city. The special is a kind of mush that is eating up huge black opponents. We decide to eliminate the monster through a turn undead done all the champions and the clerics, meanwhile Dalam Martenus and down from the ship to try to pave the way for wizards who need to reduce Raptus defenses so that it can be attacked in the melee.

Raptus has a pet that is a Limp, this Dalam not realize it, this is an adversary that can prevent the use of magic for this purpose is attached as the first goal by magicians who do it fall to the ground, even Ulrim launches direct a spell but Raptus. Dalam using his skills encourages the rebels to gather in close and attack both Raptus that his servant, the latter was killed while the magician disappears. Even Lady Asaku not throw from the ship in flight to take its natural shape and attack the men on the ground. In the next stage champions fall to the ground while the ship still above the clerics seeking di attaccare Teldorn e ci riescono uccidendo anche 15 pugni neri. Martenus si rende invisibile e cerca di individuare Raputus e si accorge che si deve essere trasferito ma non riesce bene a capire dove. Arrivano anche 2 draghi blu, uno ingaggia una battaglia con lady Asaku e l’altro si dirige sulla caravella volante e la abbatte. Stark viene sbalzato fuori dalla nave e Marian lo soccorre, rimanendo nascosto sotto la nave riesce ad essere protetto da attacchi diretti. Nel frattempo Dalam raduna sempre più ribelli che attaccano gli agguerriti Agenti che prima difendevano Raptus ma che iniziano a soccombere sotto gli attacchi diretti. I paladini si scagliano contro il drago che dopo aver abbattuto la nave vi si è posizionato sopra mentre le chieriche sono impegnate nello blacks clash with his fists and his boss. Ulrim turns into a dragon with the rebels to attack the agents that are particularly aggressive. After a little back Raptus seems that riding a Beolder. After several attempts to attack the paladins it hits the dragon by making a wound, Valer is thrown away with a detached arm, but the dragon lifts off and escaped. The attacks follow each other and despite the numerical minority are able to pull off shots imported to Teldor Martenus attack that lowers the wisdom Dalam Raptus realize that in reality is not riding a Beolder and defeat the second dragon Lady Asaku . At this point Ulrim in the form of a dragon can not see that Raptus Scamil took hostage and shot a di abilità la teletrasporta lontano. A questo punto la battaglia sembra decisamente volgere a nostro favore, tutti i capi avversari sono morti o in difficoltà, Dalam ha convinto le guardie cittadine ad allearsi con i ribelli contro pugni neri e agenti, quest’ultimi subiscono sempre più gravi perdite e si trovano in minoranza nei confronti dei nemici diretti.

Raptus prende in mano la situazione, si avvicina a Teldor per contrattare la resa. Le condizioni sono che loro smetteranno di combattere e si allontaneranno dal territorio della città se noi gli garantiamo una ritirata senza problemi. Drusilla chiede però che debbano essere lasciate tutte le armi dei pugni neri e i collari degli agenti oltre a volere la mano di Teldor. Tutte le Requests are also accepted at Stark Altocielo mindful of what happened during the battle that led to the capitulation of the city is said to yield well-placed to avoid a bloodbath.

the end, the king is said to extremely satisfied with the result it did not expect such a fast victory, at this point asked our group to become part of people LightMansion rebuild the old city name.


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