Thursday, February 11, 2010

Cat Food For Two Cats

Back to .... Darkold ... Tortusga

return to Rome and of course we go to sleep. The next day we will visit the Treasury del Vaticano dove speriamo di trovare nuove chiavi. Siamo accompagnati anche da Iura, la prima particolarità la nota Darhel, si tratta di un anello simile a quello preso da Ethien. Questo anello è stato regalato dal Sangro, la cosa particolare è che il metallo usato non è presente in natura sulla terra quindi si ipotizza fosse forgiato con materiali estratti da qualche meteorite. Sean viene attirato da un dono fatto alla Chiesa dal capo dei templari De Molai. Vicino al dono scorge le stesse luci presenti al foro romano, un’analisi più attenta rivelano un tessuto su cui è ricamata una canzone, Sean capisce che si tratta della chiave per il suo ospite. L’ultima chiave sembra essere un pastorale, su cui è presente un uccello (non could be very clear un'acquila or a dove) that flies into the sky. This is a gift to the community of San Vito of L'Aquila, witness a legend engraved on the ministry itself. We decided to go to the community, so we head to L'Aquila. The ministry has similarities with that of the plates showed Synith Sean. The group also added Landon, and Synith Iura. During the journey we realize that you just might hide a message, and so is in fact after many attempts to find a way to make combinations that describe a story. It is a source from which came the strange beings including an eagle heads for the mountains, from this event named after the city. By analyzing the message and the story we understand that the source should provide water to the fountain of 99 spouts, one of the steps that could be multidimensional!

We also read that in the monastery is a cemetery not known where they were buried the creatures that left the source.

arrive we are greeted by a Ventrue, Victor and his guest Semmemon are attracted to the subsoil and are on a strange wall of a lever that allows us to access the cemetery of the message. Ethien notices that a strange voice inside him is obviously Ulrim was not alone when he arrived in this dimension. We find the hundredth cinnamon is silver! Sembrerebbe che abbiamo tutte le chiavi ora e quindi tutti gli elementi per il rito che possa riportare gli ospiti nella loro dimensioni. L’acqua che sgorga dalla nuova cannella posta vicino alle altre 99 forma una pozza. Gettando tutte le chiavi e poi andando nella pozza il rito si compie e torniamo nella nostra dimensione.

Ci troviamo nel filatterio, è presente anche Drusilla e siamo abbastanza debilitati. Vediamo la scena di Teldorn Darkhope e Evar Blackfist che litigano, per una questione di gelosia infatti sono marito e moglie!! Anche Raptus si accorge della situazione e sicuro che noi non possiamo nuocere nel filatterio decide di intervenire. Quindi la nostra missione di trovare Semmemon è andata a buon fine quella di fermare Raptus no. Siamo imprisoned in the balls that keep us from the movement and it seems that brute force can not break free. Semmemon seems to be the victim of selective amnesia of a species thought to be a dignitary of the court and not one of the most talented magicians of the Western lands. Thanks to the magic to dissolve even the magic of Ulrim we get rid of the ball. But the environment seems to change content in phylacteries with a good attendance by bringing in more places than ever and free of hazards. It does not seem possible to reach the end of the phylacteries seems we are immersed in a kind of infinite space.

Unfortunately there is a spell that freezes well and the powers of Drusilla and Valentin are heavily locked. But the defender manages to use one of its magical artifacts to Martenus so we can go back to Wolf's house in the city outside the phylacteries of Darkhold. A quick analysis reveals that Semmemon is victim of a curse that locks the memories of both a spell of domination. Back Tortusga quickly becomes a priority. Ulrim we all turn into hawks and fly directly into the throne room of our city. We arrived shortly after that Lady Asaku Semmemon free from the curse and reveals that the magician is actually a silver dragon! Which takes its forms and is convinced to go with the tags. Is an argument about what to do and thanks to the intervention of Stark Altocielo (the regent of Darkhold before Semmemon) you decide for a joint attack against Darkhold in order to restore the legitimate leadership of the city. Stark offers us a sort of airship to get to Darkhold and explains why they are called to Altocielo. Obviously our main enemy is Raptus with us will also Asaku lady who decided to take the field directly at least in this battle.


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