Saturday, January 1, 2011

Diy Marbelite Swimming Pools


And so this year has passed ( ah damn misery, that the Roman ) life goes by, we get older and I at the end of year I cry inside and outwardly, cry a little happiness and some sadness, leaving a 2010 ugly and unpleasant for all of Italy, with a Government of Right that did nothing except to talk and tell stories and false true. The we tell stories to the Government, or sings stories, stories like the one who sang in 500. But then life is this, and I can not wait to go back to votes but not to vote on the room, but the well " PEOPLE" and not buy votes, but votes are serious and honest , as they should be. So, in short, I am convinced that this time the win " SINISTRA ". Speriamo in una possibile vittoria del partito ITALIA DEI VALORI , fremo dalla voglia di far VINCERE ANTONIO DI PIETRO e di portare una ventata di ARIA FRESCA in ITALIA . Anche se ammetto che qualsiasi Governo vada al Potere, per ritirare su la nostra povera ITALIA dovremmo faticare per oltre 5 lunghi anni , prima di risistemare ulteriormente la situazione Italiana drasticamente peggiorata .

Qui sotto ripropongo il Messaggio del Presidente Napolitano di FINE ANNO 2010 .
He is a great man, I have a deep respect for our PRESIDENT, I really liked his message to YOUNG GENERATIONS and new, we just hope that the all come true with a new GOVERNMENT .
am more convinced than ever to send to POWER ANTONIO DI PIETRO .

propose another video Antonio di Pietro dating of 2 weeks ago from today, look the video below:

And now a series of songs to inaugurate the NEW YEAR 2011.
I love my friends, I LOVE ITALY . AMOOOOOOOOOO IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!




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