Monday, December 10, 2007

Bible Verses For Church Anniversary

sicilia verde irlanda: il festival, il cortile dei marchesi, sannelli

ended yesterday with a lecture by Andrea Cortellessa and cross-reading Sara Ventroni Aldo Nove and the festival "Everything else is poetry" which took place 2 to 9 December in the splendid baroque palace Municipal Caltagirone, the place with more churches, ceramics, and stairs in the world. The Las Vegas of the Nativity, with people who for one euro and fifty invite you to join in workshops where they expose representations of any kind, giant and miniature; cribs cotton, live, mechanics, iron, tradzionali, with puppets, clay, ceramic. S. Maria del Monte overlooking the famous staircase going up, does not allow you to find rhythm and pitch. Turi Flying Ballarò and permanent exhibit in the Museum of Contemporary Art and alleyways (as they call them in Genoa) may happen to encounter ups and downs in points instead of leveling structured, plain, interior, architecture that in substance there's a sudden epiphanies communication, clarification of sense that they experience only glimpsing the soul of places. A soul that does not belong to the here and now of the place, but establishing a profound analogy, a meeting. It happened to me in the courtyard of the Marquis of Santa Barbara, admiring the asymmetrical circular openings of the building height in relation to the diagonal of the building and the courtyard. It was like a Piranesi fell into the well ... an aquarium of shadow, and me inside. I am grateful to the festival organized dall'intaprendente Josephine Pace , sotto la tutela ideale di Maria Attanasio, per avermi dato la possibilità di saggiare l'epifania del cortile dei marchesi di santa barbara e nel contempo conoscere l'opera meritoria di alcuni piccoli editori, che con il loro lavoro offrono la vera alternitava al mercato generalista. La Gepas di Orazio Parisi, di Avola, ad esempio, o le milanesi edizioni Il Faggio di Franco Ambrosio, o la Rosa rossa/il raggio verde di Vitaldo Conte e infine la Altavoz di Caltagirone (che propone tra gli altri titoli il poeta algerino Habib Tengour , ben tradotto da Manuela Cardinel). Ho avuto modo di parlare un poco del rapporto tra editoria and poetry, saying that such a relationship is quietly on its last legs, but that's not what's important. My personal idea of \u200b\u200ban era that often define affected by the "Fausto Zafferoni syndrome", I think it is confirmed in those who worked tirelessly for years for a result. By the way, to scoraggiore new poets, or, if determined enough, to fertilize, often indicates the name and experience Massimo Sannella I consider the whole more active and conscious poet of his generation, always disconcerting intensity. Council read what he writes and also all his site, he considered that the lack of academic papers, then read again that "Further improvements are also losing your name "and look inside. Comparing the likely slide, the cultivation of microbes that have (we) in Serbia in the freezer and ask why your (our) virus biology should infect a thin waterproof world, while a world at the age iron wheel for fifteen years changing skin eruptions in shakes, trembling emotion vibrating.


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