Thursday, September 30, 2010

Tiffany Granath Husband

The Palace of The Labyrinth Guild Warlock

Il palazzo di Gilda dei Warlock, fatto costruire da Martenus sulle rovine del quartiere a luci rosse degli Zenth (quale posto migliore aggiungerei).

la parte rappresentata è quella posteriore che da su un piccolo giardino verso le mura della città.

il resto è TOP SECRET :)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Best Encryption Algorithm

Ci addentriamo nella parte sinistra del labirinto (dopo la prima svolta) troviamo vari ostatoli, una palla di fuoco, un cubo gelatinoso che è a cavallo di 2 corridoi e che Dhalam riesce a distruggere con del fuoco mentre molti di noi ne rimangono incantatati. Nella parte poco precedente succede una cosa strana, dopo che Martenus torna da una breve perlustrazione viene scambiato da Ulrim e Dhalam per uno scheletro blu e cercano di attaccarlo, l’intervento di Valentin e Drusilla riesce a evitare una dura battaglia nel gruppo. Mentre Monserat scopre che c’è un nido di cubi gelatinosi e che presto uno nuovo prenderà il posto di quello bruciato, Dhalam ci rivela che il motivo per cui Martenus è stato scambiato per uno scheletro è il potere di una creatura che è meglio evitare, a tal proposito decidiamo di tornare sui nostri passi e provare con la parte sinistra del labirinto.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Mixing Low Glycemic Foods High Glycemic

my shop e-commerce to the woods

Ho messo su da oggi il mio negozio online!! ci sono svariati prodotti tra cui cercare e ne aggiungerò altri successivamente, se volete fateci un giro e passate parola :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Vintage Bedroom Ideas

Il portale ci fa arrivare in una palude, ci troviamo immersi fino alle ginocchia, scopriamo presto che nelle acque si nascondono dei serpenti che iniziano a colpirci, la reazione è quasi immediata. Ulrim si trasforma in drago in modo da poter volare sopra le acque, Drusilla evoca il cervo spettrale in modo da poter salire sulla sua groppa e volare. Valentin, Dhalam, Scamil si spostano sopra delle rovine nelle vicinanze del portale in modo da uscire dalla water, finally Martenus stun some of the snakes. Ulrim in the form of a dragon realizes that those who attacked us are in fact also one of the puppies and their parents is coming with warlike intentions, the snake attacks the dragon that is flying low and Valentin spoke in support of Ulrim. At this point the magician gets up and soon we see that Dhalam with his sword (though it seems that the sword is dragging Dhalam) attack the enemy with one shot and decapitated the snake. The area is too dangerous and above all puts us at a disadvantage we decide to move where there is water and divided between deer and spectral Ulrim we transported on dry (so to speak).

It sees in the distance a large willow tree and seems to be our destination as some clues us in that direction, Drusilla uses his heavenly steed to go on patrol and sees a priestess, a champion unconscious, 2 Linch, several skeletons and a close temple with four domes from which part of the spirit of snakes. It seems that now is dedicated to Demogorgon. Dhalam feels that under the present morass of gems, then decided to try to go underground through the temple to free the priestess and the champion (although I do not think free is correct when referring to the priestess. We make a sortie, Valentin uses his ability to turn undead in order to reduce the enemies, in fact Lynch remains the 2, 2 skeletons blue, 2 skeletons dressed in a strange way and the priestess. Now comes the direct combat and the usual move of launching the paladin can stun opponents, Drusilla says a prayer whose effect is to dematerialize the priestess Latarian .... But the opposite effect as Drusilla unconscious. Martenus uses his explosive power of a mystical dematerialize for Lynch, Valentin said to recognize the paladin is called Ten Zarkon and is the son of one of the hierophants Tortusga. The temple was the entrance to the mine of the dwarves, known as a labyrinth full of pitfalls and traps that if you pass leading to a treasure trove of rare and precious gems. Only thanks to a prayer Lathander we awaken to Drusilla. Ten talks to Valentin and do not seem at all relaxed obviously the revelations that he did care about him, we decide to enter. Inside the temple there is a fountain with four jets from which the blood comes out. We find the first two doors on the left seems to descend into the mine, the other leads to 4 rooms in the four domes that seem to be used as dwellings. We go down there and a corridor from the middle of that area begins a antimagia, it seems that in particular, prevents anything that can move people and force them to follow the corridor. Dhalm note that there is a tile on the floor of the symbols of small and not easily understood. Advancing we find a Dhalm trap and realize that the system is through activation of the small air ducts to incorporate if someone passes in front.

Continuing down the corridor there are intersections with other tiles. We understand that the key to finding the right way but we must understand the mechanism. We must always remember that in case of error should go back again, a clear signal to say that if the road is incorrect tiles present in that location are incorrect.